BTS Kidnapped! Part Sixty-one by Sandra & Kaelyn

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[Trigger Warning...Non-con ahead but non-graphic]

Jin closed his eyes at the last sight of Sven pulling Jimin behind him like a wayward child with Taehyung held snugly in the Russian's one-armed embrace.

Once out in the hallway the group of three went in one direction while Jin was pulled in another. The guard took Jin past several corridors before finally stopping in front of one of the many steel doors that filled the building. The door was opened quickly after the guard's hard knock.

His skin crawling as the smaller man looked him up and down; Jin fought the urge to run. His mind kept re-playing the memory of Namjoon's caning except now it was Jungkook in his place. But his one thought as he stepped across the threshold of the doctor's room was, 'Please forgive me, Mathan for all the pain I have brought to you by my weaknesses.

Inside the room Jin gave a bow to the small doctor trying to turn his mind off and let himself move and act on auto-pilot.

"You really are quite beautiful, young man." The doctor said as he reached up and pulled the jacket Jin was wearing off. "I was hoping to make our time together a little more romantic. But you look so perfect, just the way I have been picturing you here."

Jin was frozen, statuesque as he tried not to choke on the bile in his throat. While he did not understand all the words the doctor was saying he understood the vile looks and soft touches. He almost lost it when he noticed the bulge in the doctor's pants and allowed his eyes to close, a single tear sliding down his face for the sacrifices he was about to make. He had never in a million years imagined it would come to this.

Turning on auto pilot Jin allowed the doctor to lead him to the table adorned with candlelight and roses, two sets of fine china placed directly across from one another.

"I hope steak will suffice?" The doctor said, pulling out Jin's chair and assisting him in being seated. "I have ordered only the finest for you, my sweet."

Jin forced a polite smile and a nod as he slowly died inside. He prayed to whatever God was left that a wine and dine is all that this would be.

"So...steak...good...." He forced from a dry throat. Was there something, anything, a plea, begging on his knees that would get this monster to send him away, return him to his brothers.

"Please......." Jin softly begged as tears filled and fell from his eyes.

The doctor looked at him with mock pity making Jin's stomach curl. He could smell the man's breathe even at this distance, sickly sweet...perverse.

"Don't be afraid," he said in his frail tone. "I won't hurt you."

Jin didn't quite know what that meant but he clung to the last bit of hope he had as the food came.

Spread before him was one of the richest meals he had ever seen and honestly, he didn't think he would be able to stomach it. Filet mignon, baked potato, a lush salad and wine were placed before him. It added to his unease.

"I promise no food has been tampered with my Sweet," the doctor said with a greedy smile.

Jin just looked at the food and nodded before attempting a bite immediately regretting it as he felt his stomach threaten to revolt.

The doctor on the other hand ate the food well, placing his utensils and napkin on his plate when he was done.

"Was the food not to your liking?" he asked in what sounded like genuine concern.

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