BTS Kidnapped! Part Nine by Sandra & Kaelyn

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As far as they could tell they had been trapped in this one room for almost two weeks. They had learned to gauge time by the meals they were told to cook every day. But even that could be a lie as there was no radio or television allowed to them to check if it was morning or evening. That first day had been a nightmare none of them had processed until the next day. The third day they had all curled to one another and tried to stay numb to keep their minds and emotions in check. Day four most of them managed to sleep, and day five they danced and practiced themselves into exhaustion as they prayed this nightmare would end. The members of BTS spend most of their time sleeping, piling as many of themselves as could fit on a bed.

Sleep offered only a brief escape from the prison they found themselves in and the tension was growing with every minute that past. Jin had attempted to keep them occupied by insisting that they continue to practice their music and dance routines. For a while it gave them something to focus on and a brief sense of the normal.

But all things break in the end...even  Bangtan Sonyeondan ...

"Yoongi-ah.....please stop!" Taehyung begged as his lover pulled more of the clothes from the closet and threw them to the floor. Shirts and pants flew around them like leaves in a raging storm.

Both Jimin and Jungkook rose startled for the restless sleep they had fallen into.

"What is this fucking shit!" Yoongi yelled as he pulled more from the closet and threw it into the air. "How long are they going to keep us here!"

Spotting the only visible camera over the door in their prison, Yoongi grabbed a shirt and tossed it over the camera's body. He was tired of constantly feeling eyes on him, watching everything they did. He had been used to it from fans, it was a part of the life he had chosen as a member of BTS. But this was wrong. Yoongi felt like a zoo animal locked in a cage, wanting to throw himself against the bars of the cage.

So, he did.

It was less than a minute before the door burst open and five guards rushed into the room. Two of them grabbed Yoongi and started dragging him towards the door. When Taehyung reached out for his lover he was violently pushed back; it was only Jin catching him that kept him from landing on the floor. Hoseok and Namjoon both moved as if to come to Yoongi's aid but were stopped by guns pointed directly into their faces.

The last thing Yoongi saw as the door closed between him and his family was their horrified looks and the sound of Taehyung's scream.


Taehyung collapsed into Jin's arms and wept as if his world were ending. And to him, it was.

Jin couldn't stop his own tears as he swept Taehyung up into his arms and carried him to the nearest bed

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Jin couldn't stop his own tears as he swept Taehyung up into his arms and carried him to the nearest bed. In a flash both Jimin and Jungkook were on either side of their brother wrapping him in a tight embrace as animal like screams fell from his mouth. The only sound they could understand was Yoongi's name.

Namjoon stared helplessly at the door, then rushed it and started banging his fists against the steel frame

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Namjoon stared helplessly at the door, then rushed it and started banging his fists against the steel frame. Hoseok quickly rushed forward and wrapped tight arms around his boyfriend to stop him from hurting himself in his rage. They both fell to the floor as tears poured from their eyes.

The two guards dragged a struggling Yoongi into a small room containing only a cot. He was thrown onto that cot cursing them both in Korean and Japanese. The rage overtaking him was making him reckless in the face of overwhelming danger, but he could not stop himself.

"Motherfuckers!!!! I am going to gut every one of you!!!" He made as if to get up from his prone position, but something penetrated the wall of his rage, turning it to bone chilling fear.

It was the laughter.

One spoke with that odd robotic voice and Yoongi understood enough of the English to know that he had put himself into a nightmare that he wasn't going to escape from.

"This one is pretty when he's mad but that mouth of his. I think we should find something more fun for him to do with it."

Yoongi's eyes widen in horror as one stepped towards him while unbuckling his pants. The other just laughed as he pulled the door closed, plunging the room into total darkness.

After that the only sounds heard in the hallway were Yoongi's anguished and painfilled screams.

To Be Continued................

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