BTS Kidnapped! Part Twenty-Five by Sandra & Kaelyn

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Mathan had a hard time keeping it together when his father walked in. He got that sudden sense of the spider moving along the web as it watched dinner struggle to escape. And when his father started to speak, it was all he could do to crush the wild instinct that screamed at him to grab Jin, damn the others and shoot his way out. He had to forcibly unclench his hands and move them away from the gun he kept tucked into the waistband of his pants.

"My, it looks like you poor boys have certainly been banged up." Dorian moved further into the room, seeing the boys stiffen when a group of armed men followed after him.

"I am afraid that I must ask for your help." Clapping his hands together in glee, he continued. "I am going to make a little movie and you young men are going to help me. Now I am sure that your first thought is to tell me to go straight to hell, but please look at each other and think of the consequences that your refusal would bring."

Mathan felt the bile rise in his throat as it dawned on him what his father was about to do.

"These gentlemen are going to give each of you a little shot and you will all go to sleep for a little while. We will make our little movie and that will be that."

Even without a complete understanding of the English language there was enough in the tone of that alien voice to send Kookie scrambling into Jimin's arms; while Namjoon wrapped arms around Hobi who was still sitting on the table. Jin had moved to Taehyung's bedside the moment the masked man had walked in and now sat next to the injured young man.

Laughing with that awful sounding voice at the expressions on the faces of BTS, Dorian continued, "Now don't worry yourselves, your virtues are completely safe...we are making a pretend snuff film, not a porno. But let me warn you gentleman, failure to cooperate with me will result in this becoming a real snuff film. Now if Mr. Kim would be so kind as to translate, we will get started in a couple of minutes."

Walking over to Mathan's side, Dorian whispered softly, "Very touching moment there, comfort to that poor broken boy. Why I was touched, I think I even shed a tear. Too bad these boys don't know what a killer you really are......"

Mathan stood stone still as he watched Namjoon move from member to member, explaining the sick twisted idea that his father was going to put them through; and there wasn't a damn thing he could do to stop it right now. All he could do was watch and pray to a God that he didn't believe in.

He walked over to Hoseok and gently picked him up off the table, moving him to the empty bed where for a few seconds he had held perfection in his arms.

Dorian spoke up again, "Now gentlemen, if you wish to share a bed with a fellow group member, please feel free. In the end it will make a much greater impact...for the film, of course." The laughter coming from that mask was chilling.

Jimin and Jungkook were quick to wrap themselves around the other, the fear on their faces sickening to see. Namjoon carefully moved into the bed with Hoseok pulling the other to lie across his chest and positioning his wounded leg so to keep pressure off it. Jin put himself into the bed with Taehyung making sure to stay on the side less wounded. Yoongi took a bed to himself laying as stiff as a board in his terror.

For the first time in more years then he wanted to count Mathan wanted to let loose the tears screaming for escape as he witnessed two of this father's new goons sedate each member of Bangtan Sonyeondan. Jin was the last one to receive a shot and he felt something give inside when the beautiful young man smiled and sent him the ok signal before the fast-acting drug took hold and he was lost to unconsciousness.

Mathan moved back against the wall, refusing to take part in this disgusting charade.

One of the new goons happened to have done some special effects make-up in Hollywood and he now went around the room, setting the stage for Dorian's sick little movie. Splashing lots of fake blood over the boys, making it as gruesome as possible because of course dear old dad wanted maximum impact when the video hit the internet.

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