BTS Kidnapped! Part Twelve by Sandra & Kaelyn

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Four hours later when Mathan's replacement arrived at the control room, he had gotten a radio call from his father with instruction to examine Yoongi and make sure he was still viable as an investment.

Viable as an investment, damn.....his father really was an unfeeling bastard, Mathan thought to himself as he stood in front of the door to BTS' prison. His stomach was turning, not just from his father's cold words but also because of what he was now going to be forced to do. He was adding to the growing trauma these boys had to endure and it was cutting into his soul.

Making sure that his mask and voice box were in place, Mathan took a deep breath and nodding to the two guards with him he unlocked the door and stepped in.

It was the sound of the door opening that pulled Jin from the restless sleep he had fallen into. He had been curled around Jimin who was whimpering in his sleep; and that had caused Taehyung to roll over and bury his face into the neck of the other who had unconsciously reached out and grabbed Jungkook's arm. Hoseok had his face buried in Jungkook's hair and even in his sleep tears continued to fall creating silver trails on his cheeks.

Jin managed to pull himself away without waking the other four huddled on the bed and stood facing the door. He glanced back to see Namjoon leave Yoongi and move to his side. Without thought he reached out and grabbed the other's hand, feeling it wrap tight around his own. What fresh hell could these monsters visit upon them now, Jin wondered as the breath caught in his throat and fresh tears threatened to fall.

"You two! Grab your friend there and come with us!" The guard in front motioned towards the bed when Yoongi lay.

Jin look at Namjoon in confusion because of the strange sounding English, but it was the low animal moan coming from Yoongi that made Jin run at the guard recklessly. Only a gun pointed directly into his face stopped him from attacking.

"Don't make me hurt you." The alien voice growled at Jin, waving him back with the gun.

Another of the guards reached out, grabbing Jin's arm and twisting it behind his back before he could move. He froze when an alien voice whispered in his ear,"Go on, fight me.....then I get to do to you what I did to your friend over on the bed." He understood those words and the horror that overwhelmed Jin made it easy for the guard to force him through the door and out into the hallway.

The expressionless mask looked at Namjoon, and then pointed to the bed.

The others had woken up and were frozen at the sight before them. A gun pointed at their leader and the oldest being pulled from the room.

The voice spoke again, this time with more force and the gun moved until it was pointed at the four sitting on the bed.

"I will not tell you again.....pick up your friend and move to the door."

The monster inside Namjoon howled for release as he turned and walked over to the mound of blankets containing Yoongi. He whispered, "Forgive me, Yoongi-hyung.", as he bent and lifted his brother from the bed. He never once looked at the four on the other bed as he walked past the guards and out the door.

"P...please.....not.....hurt......" Taehyung begged in broken English as the two guards still in the room moved to follow Namjoon.

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