BTS Kidnapped! Part Thirty-Five by Sandra & Kaelyn

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"Are you enjoying the movie, my beautiful jewel?" Sven inquired of the Korean man sitting in the recliner.

Sven had the chair brought in to ease Jimin's nervousness about the bed and the young man spent as much time as possible curled up in it. He had also arranged for the television and dvd player for his jewel's entertainment. But it was the gift of the teddy bear that convinced Sven he was making headway in his control over his lovely private dancer. Jimin had looked at the large white teddy bear for a few moments then Sven had seen his eyes light up and a soft smile cross his face.

Jimin had whispered, "Thank you, chagiyah."

What Jimin knew and Sven didn't was that in his room back home in South Korea was an identical teddy bear that his beloved Jungkook had surprised him with on Valentine's Day. Sitting in the chair Jimin could pretend it was Jungkook's bear and he was back home with his hyungs before this nightmare began.

Jimin looked over at Sven who was working on a portable laptop and just nodded as he wrapped himself tighter around the bear and slipped into that dream world. It was the world where Bangtan Sonyeondan still lived and Jimin was reunited with his lover and family.

Sven smiled at Jimin, and then frowned when a knock sounded on his down, locking down the laptop he moved to the door.

Mathan had had no idea what to say to the man he was about to bribe. A thousand scenarios ran through his mind about whose privacy he could secure and whose he could not and how to best go about wording it. Never having been particularly loquacious, Mathan tended to screw up when he was talking. He had always been a physical presence. Knocking on the door and waiting for the monster Mathan reviewed what he had been told.

Seeing Jimin curled up like a small child knocked Mathan for a loop again.

"Uh..." he tried, staring at the boy, "you uh...." Shaking his head, he started again. "Someone got ahold of some uh...compromising pictures...of your little dancer there and...they intend to make quite the profit...unless you buy them out..."

"I have been looking into this company that you told me about earlier and I must say that I approve of how they run their people." Sven stepped back into the room, motioning Mathan further in.

Mathan was surprised when Sven pulled out a set of headphones, plugged them into the television and had Jimin put them on.

"Thanks to some contacts in South Korea I am now aware of some rather embarrassing personal items belonging to Bangtan Sonyeondan that are now in the possession of this company, SME. But as the world believes them dead why should I worry about this?" Sven lit a cigar as he asked.

Mathan looked dumbstruck.

"Because pictures of your pet fucking his boyfriend's brains out are going to be released to the public for every sick fuck who wants them to masturbate too. That's why you should be concerned. He won't just be yours anymore. He will be EVERYBODYS."

Sven laughed at the look on Mathan's face.

"You know as well as anyone out there that I don't like sharing, Mathan. And I thank you for your concern, my people have already been in contact with an executive at SME about purchasing all the personal items of those members of BTS who had not had someone come forward; one Kim Namjoon, Jung Hoseok, Kim Taehyung and my beautiful Park Jimin."

Sven sat down and opened his laptop.

"The man in question was not really interested in selling all that money-making material to a shady third party but we were able to convince him with this."

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