BTS Kidnapped! Part Thirteen by Sandra & Kaelyn

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Jin slowly walked over to the cot where his brother in all but blood lay.

"Yoongi-ah," he said softly, kneeling down in front of the man's face. "We need to get these blankets off you Yoongi-ah. You need to wash up and...there's someone here to make sure you are not injured."

"We have to trust him, hyung," Namjoon said from Yoongi's other side. "We need to...let him check you..."

The tears welled again in Yoongi's eyes as he held his blanket cocoon tighter and shook his head furiously, refusing to leave the comfort zone he had made.

"We'll be right here, hyung," Namjoon said, his voice catching slightly at the emotions.

"They told us...we could stay," Jin said, trying to give his friend a comforting smile while his stomach churned. "I will even sing to you if you promise to let us help you."

Yoongi shook his head again and closed his eyes against this new nightmare.

"Will you do it for Taehyung-ah?" Namjoon asked. "It..might make him feel better? To know that you are not physically injured..."

"Please..." Yoongi breathed as fresh tears leaked down his cheeks. "Please don't make me..."

Jin bowed his head against the frame of the cot as he gently raised a hand and set it on Yoongi's cheek.

"Dongsaeng-ah," he said softly. "I can't imagine...what you must be feeling are the bravest person that I know. Please..."

Yoongi closed his eyes and concentrated on the feeling of his hyung's hand on his cheek, feeling the warmth penetrate his skin as it calmed his wrecked nerves. Jin's touch had always reminded him of his Mother's, and now more than ever he was thankful for it.

"Joon-ah?" Yoongi asked his voice small.

"I'm right here, hyung," Namjoon said, placing his hand on the blanket mound that was his friend.

"I think..." Yoongi started before he sat straight up, the contents of his stomach emptying all over the side of the bed where moments before Jin had stood.

All three men looked at the masked figure before them, sure a beating would come from such action, but Mathan just stood there, stock still.

"Help him undress," he said. "There is a gown in that cabinet there he may put on, but do not tie it. I'll get something so you two can clean that mess up. It stinks enough in here as it is."

Not waiting, Mathan turned and walked out of the room, thankful he had a valid excuse to give Yoongi some privacy as he prepared to be violated once more.

"Gae-sae-kki." Jin hissed once again as Yoongi put his head in his hands.

"It's okay Yoongi-ah," Jin said softly. "No one is going to hurt you. They'll have to get through Joon-ah and I first."

Yoongi bit his already chapped lip and nodded his head, but did not move further to remove anything more.

"Hyung, they will be back soon..." Namjoon said, sounding the slightest bit worried.

Closing his eyes as more tears fell, Yoongi slowly removed his shirt, a hiss escaping him as he did, the action tearing at his muscles.

Jin threw himself back as Namjoon lost the contents of his own stomach.

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