BTS Kidnapped! Part Thirty by Sandra & Kaelyn

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Jin sat on the edge of the bed doing his best to keep from throwing up because of the pain running through his head. He didn't think he had ever had a headache this bad recently, his vision was fading in and out and there was a loud ringing in his ear. The guard who had looked him over said he had a mild concussion, so the man ordered Namjoon to keep an eye on him.

The new guard had just finished looking over Taehyung and had moved over to Hoseok when Jin took his first real look around the room. It was then that he realized one of their members was missing.

Grabbing Namjoon's arm to get his attention, Jin whispered, "Where is Jimin-ah?"

The devastated look on his leader's face sent Jin's heartbeat into overdrive.

" Park Jimin-ssi dead?" Jin's voice cracked with tears.

Namjoon shook his head no as tears streamed down his face.

"No, he isn't dead Jin-ah, but he may wish he was because of me. It was just a trap, a game to these monsters. The new expensive looking one had Jimin taken away for himself. This is my fault, I decided for us to run and now Jimin-ah will pay for my crime."

Jin wrapped his arms around Namjoon as the other broke down completely, his own tears falling as well.

The guard finished with Hoseok's leg and in perfect Hangul reminded them that they were to clean themselves up and change clothes. They were also informed that a hot meal was being brought in for them.

A still crying Jungkook moved to help Taehyung get a shower while Namjoon helped his boyfriend.

Jin stood slowly holding himself still when a wave of dizziness washed over him, but he remained on his feet. When he was steady he moved to the table and sat next to Yoongi.

"What happened out there, Yoongi-ah? The last thing I remember is yelling for you and the others to run, and then I wake up back here."

The look that came over Yoongi's face was cold and harsh.

"It was all a fucking game, Jin-ah. We were the mouse and they were the cat, so now while we clean up and eat a hot meal Jimin-ah is being forced to do God knows what to that new monster; all thanks to your and Joon-ah's refusal to accept that WE ARE NEVER GETTING OUT OF THIS HELL!"

Jin reared back in surprise as Yoongi's whispered explanation ended in a yell. Instinctively he reached out to comfort only to draw back his hand when the other snarled at him.

There were no more words spoken by any of Bangtan Sonyeondan as they all cleaned up, ate without tasting anything and drifted into different parts of the room to wait.

Exactly fifteen minutes later the door opened to reveal the faceless leader, Sven...and their sweet Jimin.

Carefully eyeing the three the others were confused by the small, nervous smile on Jimin's face, and his current state of dress, white silk pajamas and expensive looking house shoes.

Pulling Jimin gently to the side by his arm, Sven looked at the boys as though he was appraising product for sale.

The faceless leader simply leaned back against the door, pulling a gun from his pocket, finger going to the trigger as he crossed his arms and stared the members down.

"Can anyone tell me what went wrong today?" he asked, his alien voice clearly condescending.

When no one answered the man barked a short laugh.

"You do of course realize that I will be forced to punish you now. Anyone want to take responsibility?"

The boys all looked at each other; heads bowed slightly, all of them shaking them 'no'.

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