BTS Kidnapped! Part Twenty by Sandra & Kaelyn

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Carl was doing his best to staunch the blood flowing down his face as Smith dragged the prancing little diva/demon down the hallway. He had been so fucking close to tasting heaven and that little shit had ruined everything.

Grabbing up and putting a rag to his bleeding cheek, he growled. "Throw him in the room where you and Davis did his little friend."

Once Smith had tossed Taehyung into the room he ordered, "Close the door and wait outside. This little piece of shit and I are going to have a nice long talk."

Taehyung had barely regained his bearings after being thrown to the hard ground when he was picked up and tossed into the wall. Head ringing and dazed he could not avoid the fist that hit his jaw like a ton of bricks. He couldn't even make a sound as a hand wrapped itself in his hair and banged his head not once or even twice but three times against the wall.

In danger of losing consciousness Taehyung wrapped his arms around his head in an effort to protect himself but that just left the rest of his body open. And Carl made the most of it by kicking the downed boy several times in the stomach and then his back when Taehyung curled in on himself.

 And Carl made the most of it by kicking the downed boy several times in the stomach and then his back when Taehyung curled in on himself

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He had no idea how long the beating went on for, all Taehyung knew now was pain. There was no part of his body that this monster had not hit, punched, kicked or stomped. He was sure that some toes and fingers were broken, and his vision kept fading in and out in shades of gray and black. He needed to throw up but could not for fear of what else would come out of his mouth, blood, teeth or even his tongue where said teeth had chomped down after the first hit.

 He needed to throw up but could not for fear of what else would come out of his mouth, blood, teeth or even his tongue where said teeth had chomped down after the first hit

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Taehyung moaned in agony as he was lifted by his throat and slammed against the wall again; but there wasn't another fist to the face. When he opened blurry eyes, he was looking in the face of a man, not an expressionless mask.

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