BTS Kidnapped! Part Fifty-seven by Sandra & Kaelyn

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On the other side of the world Sven smiled at his brother's chastising tone. He leaned back and watched Jimin dance for him. His jewel truly was a thing of beauty to watch as his body moved in almost impossible ways to the music playing over the speakers. He wanted nothing more than to grab up this beautiful young man and show him a thousand new ways his body could twist and bend. But first he must deal with his little brother.

"Isn't it past your bedtime, brother...or have you been out partying?" Sven asked as he smiled at Jimin, nodding approvingly and motioning him to continue his dancing.

Augustine's voice came back cold as he replied, "I just threw out an Aristov whore, no doubt trying to get to you through me. But that is the least of your worries right now. What the fuck were you thinking getting involved with Dorian Foley and his idiotic scheme? Even here at home, brother... the press is all over this story about the Korean boyband back from the dead and the hunt for their kidnappers. There have been rallies in Red Square with thousands of fans, politicians and common people calling for their return and screaming for the blood of the ones who took them. And you are sending me pictures of your latest treasures, who just happen to be two of the seven members of Bangtan Sonyeondan. Have you lost all reason, Sven?"

Sven leaned forward in his chair, his face going hard and cold. It was enough for Jimin to suddenly stop dancing and back away in fear from the look.

Switching from the English they had been speaking to Russian Sven was quick to rebuke his younger brother.

"Careful, little brother, as family I give you some leeway but don't forget for a moment that I am head of the Ivchenko family and organization that keeps you in such luxury and allows you to play as you will." Sven warned his tone like silk.

At home in Russia Augustine stood and began pacing his bedroom, unconcerned about his nudity as he growled in the phone.

"You know better than that, Sven. The wealth and luxury that I enjoy is my own earned separately from the family. I have made my own way in the world and kept myself out of the family business except now and that is only as a favor to you. And be aware, brother...while you are on the other side of world involving yourself in Dorian's plans the Aristovs are making moves here, planting seeds of doubt about your leadership of the council and they are using Andre to further those seeds. You know that Andre and his side of the family will use any means to discredit you and this folly of Dorian's is just the ammunition they need to push you out."

In his private lair Sven snarled and motioned Jimin to come to him. When Jimin stepped closer Sven snagged his wrist yanking the Korean man into his lap.

"I know as well as anyone what you are capable of, Augustine so you will make it quite clear to the Aristovs, the family and the council that I am not someone to fuck with. My acquisition of these seven young men will further our wealth and standing within the families. I am keeping two of them for myself and the other five will no doubt make us a great deal of money. As for Dorian and his son...well, I have plans for them and they don't end least, for them."

In Russia Augustine stopped pacing.

"Mathan is there as well?" He asked his shock barely contained.

Placing the phone between his ear and shoulder Augustine grabbed a silk robe and threw it on. Moving from the bedroom he went to the living room and swiftly poured himself a glass of vodka downing it in one gulp.

"Dorian is one thing, Sven. But if Mathan is there that is something else entirely and well you know it! Mathan has morals and whatever plans you have for those boys, he is not going to let you follow through with them. Keep in mind, Sven...he has dangerous friends. Friends that I am not sure I would want to tangle with."

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