BTS Kidnapped! Part Fifty-Nine by Sandra & Kaelyn

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T/N: KOREAN VOCABULARY LESSON!!! WOOHOO!!!!! Here are the new words we used this chapter!

· Ye: Another term for 'yeah' or 'yes'.

· Omo: Oh My!

· Ani: No!

· Aegyo: A korean word that derives from the Chinese characters "love (ae)" and "beautiful ()." The closest English translation of would be "," defined by the Merriam Webster Dictionary as "generally pleasing and engaging often because of a childlike charm and innocence." Not surprisingly, aegyo is considered a feminine trait, generally attributed to women who can charm men and elders through a careful balance of sweetness, cuteness, , modesty, thoughtfulness, and submissiveness. A woman with aegyo knows to blush at dirty jokes rather than guffaw along with her mouth agape. A woman with aegyo knows to let out a modest and appealing squeal and grab tight her date's hand when watching a horror movie.

· Joo-in-nim: Translates as owner in reference to a physical object. I chose its use however because Sven does not consider BTS to be people, rather property and that is exactly how Kim Taehyung meant to use it.

· dong-gab: Someone of the same age (based on the lunar calendar)

DISCLAIMER/TRIGGER WARNING: This story contains some very strong, very homophobic, language towards the end, so if that triggers you, you may want to stop when Dorian (who really is just a huge piece of shit) enters this chapter (because obviously you are still with us from the last time he opened his mouth and spewed his vile, uneducated, judgmental hatred.) As always, please know that Sandra and I both respect all forms of human life and we think the concept of love is such a wonderful, beautiful, amazing thing. Love, in its truest form, has no discrimination and can transcend all things. Religion, race, gender identity, sexual orientation, even age (within reason.) To be able to find the soul your own soul can call home is probably the most beautiful thing there is. A persons packaging is just that. Don't ever let someones gender or looks deter you from getting to know their soul. Some of the most beautiful people in the world are just packages of sorrow and despair. So please, don't be too offended with us for how Dorian acts. Sandra and I both know he is toxic and very incorrect. It's just... Dorian has never been in love and so he has no idea how strong the wings of love are. Maybe one day he will learn for himself, but I am pretty sure he will just die first. Ain't no one got time for his shiz.

If anything about this offends you personally, Sandra and I really want to know so that we can come together with you and help you overcome whatever it may be. We want to be as loving, and as accepting, and as understanding as possible, because there are still a lot of things neither of us know. We will always be here for our readers because even if they don't think it, you all are our friends. So if you ever need a shoulder to lean on, or a good ear, my name is Kaelyn and you can hit me up any time at @kaelyn_grey on Twitter or at . Sandra said you could also yell at her since she did write Dorian that way. Feel free to scream at her at @LadyMidnight122 on Twitter or send your rage to her inbox at !

Peace, Love, and Light (but most importantly LOVE),

 Sandra & Kaelyn

Taehyung looked at his hyung-nim with a contemptuous glare but otherwise ignored the question. If the only time these ungrateful brats spoke to him was to chastise him...maybe they did not deserve him after all.

"Taehyung-ssi..." Jin asked again, his eyes narrowing as he considered his dongsaeng.

"Yes, Seokjin hyung-nim?" Taehyung asked, as his eyebrows rose in feigned interest.

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