BTS Kidnapped! Part Thirty-Seven by Sandra & Kaelyn

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The day after Namjoon and Jimin's caning Mathan roused the guys to start their day.

"Jungkook is still too ill for the weather outside long so Jin will take him, Hoseok and Namjoon to the room for some light exercise."

"But Mathan-ah, Joon-ah........" Hoseok started to protest as Namjoon attempted to lift himself from the bed he was laying on.

Mathan just cast a sideways look at Hoseok and the young man fell silent.

"You all move, it is the only thing that will keep you going now. Yoongi and Taehyung, dress warmly, I will be back with your shoes, luckily it hasn't snowed any yet." He instructed as he walked out the steel door.

Less than five minutes later Mathan was back with the shoes. No one spoke as the three moved outside.

Once outside Yoongi stopped and lifted his face to the sun, closing his eyes and drinking in the warmth even as he shivered in the layers of clothes he had piled on. For a second the rapper could imagine himself free and back home, at least until Mathan growled at him to follow.

Mathan didn't mean to be harsh towards the guys, but he had to keep reminding himself to keep his emotions in check and to not get any more emotionally involved than he already was.

"M' sorry I don't have anything warmer for you guys,' he said, walking beside Yoongi. "And...I'm sorry for...teasing you like this without actually being able to set you free..."

Yoongi just nodded, his senses overwhelmed at the fresh air and the feel of the sun on his face. For now, words had failed him.

"Are you okay?" Mathan asked, looking at the boy and studying him in his silence.

He needed a better understanding of how they all worked so that when the time did come, they would all be able to work together as a team.

Yoongi looked up at the man you had seen him at his most vulnerable. Jin insisted that if there was any hope of escaping for them, they had to put all their trust in Mathan and do what he told them to do. The Korean man was still unsure of so much about this man, but he trusted their eldest member.

"I am alright physically, I guess, better than most of my brothers." Yoongi whispered. His sleep was still disturbed by nightmares and they had gotten worse from the moment that man Sven had taken Jimin away from them. "I worry about what tomorrow will bring."

He looked around Mathan to where Taehyung stood gazing up at the sky as tears rolled down his cheeks. Yoongi pleaded with the larger man, "Please talk to him, Mathan-ah. He didn't sleep last night and if he did, he would wake screaming Jimin's name or crying out about not speaking...not telling. But he won't speak to any of us about it, he says he is alright and we should be worrying about Jungkook."

Mathan looked to Taehyung as well.

"He misses you," he said simply. "Whatever you two had...what the others don't have that you?" he asked, looking back at the man before him.

"And if you need help sleeping, I have shit for that too..."

Mathan could not reassure his fears about tomorrow because he did not even know what may or may not happen with the rest of their day.

"You know as well as anyone what happened to me, Mathan-ah. No pills will ever erase that from my memories. And I can't let that touch Taehyung, ever." Yoongi moved away from Mathan and grabbed a low hanging tree branch. When it held under his weight He crossed his ankles and started doing pull-ups.

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