Dear Reader

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Dear Reader,

Hello, long time no hear....huh.

These last few months have not been good for me, since January I have fought a major depressive episode. Some days are slightly better than others but I still live in shades of black and grey. I won't bore you with the details.

Today I came online after several days away and truly felt what can only be described as true heartbreak. But it solidified the decision I have been fighting with for some time now.

I will no longer write.

When I began toying with the idea for BTS Kidnapped in October of 2017 I never imagined it would be my greatest joy and darkest pain. I gained a lot from the storytelling and the love that the readers who enjoyed the story gave me. I have those memories and I thank each and every one of you.

If I learned any lesson from all my experiences with this story it is the power of communication and the lack of it. Worries, anxieties and fears were never discussed and I am as much to blame as any for that. I kept my voice silent and feared to speak. But that is neither here nor there. What is done is done and tears, pain and regret is all I have right now.

I just wanted to come and say Thank You to all who shared their love of this story with me and gave me so many wonderful words of encouragement.

Maybe one day in the future I may try my hand at writing again but I don't think I will ever share it on any platform. I am not a great writer, hell not even a good one probably but for awhile I dared to dream.

Thank You & Good-bye.


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⏰ Last updated: May 20, 2019 ⏰

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