BTS Kidnapped! Part Thirty-One by Sandra & Kaelyn

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Three days after their new nightmare began the boys were pulled from their rooms and thrown back in to the prison they had come to know. Unable to process anything they all laid there for several long minutes before Jin was able to sit up and look around.

Yoongi was standing in a far corner, knuckles white from how tightly he clenched his fists.

Hobi was lying in a fetal position holding his leg and shaking.

Namjoon was looking from one person to the next as if he were seeing ghosts.

Taehyung was rocking back and forth, teeth chattering and lips blue.

Jungkook was almost lifeless, his eyes dull.

"Jimin-ah," Jin breathed, scrambling up to bang against the door and scream for his brother.

"Where is Jimin-ah!?!" he wailed as he spun back around to look at Namjoon.

"Gone..." was all the younger man said.

Taking a deep breath and holding it for a moment Jin jumped when he heard the heat kick back on, a small amount of relief flooding his system. Going to the closets Jin pulled out every blanket he could find there, gathered all the blankets from Yoongi's nest, and threw out every pair of sweat pants he could find, grabbing all the socks they had been afforded and the three long sleeves shirts he could find. Looking at the supplies he jerked Namjoon up and instructed their leader to help him pile mattresses in the floor, straightening the sheets out and laying a thin blanket down over his creation before going person to person, checking them out and helping them to his nest.

Namjoon picked Hoseok up and carried him gently over, laying him down and pulling him close, burying his face in the older man's neck, pulling a blanket over them and praying the room would warm up soon.

Jin carefully approached Yoongi, convincing him to lay down in the nest, telling him if they all shared what little body heat they had it would warm them up quicker. Yoongi only laid on the very edge.

Taehyung slowly crawled to the bed, arranging the blankets the best he could before making a nest for Jungkook.

Carrying his maknae to the bathroom area Jin undressed the boy before layering him in sweatpants and all the long-sleeved shirts, giving him three pairs of socks and laying him down next to Taehyung who curled up next to him and helped Jin cover them up.

Once those two were tucked in Jin handed out the remaining clothing and socks to the others, only keeping a pair of socks for himself. If nothing else, he would sacrifice himself to keep his maknae-deul warm.

The rest of the night the boys all dogpiled, eventually putting Jungkook in the middle and curling in around him, Yoongi even moving to sleep at his brothers' feet, all of them crying silent tears and praying for the piece of them that was missing.

When they woke the next morning, the room was slightly warmer, but none dared to move from the cocoon they had made, and when no one came with breakfast they forced themselves back to sleep in an effort to stay warm.

When lunch time came guards came in wearing thick jackets and forced the boys out of bed to fix a cold meal, Jin and Namjoon getting up while leaving the others to keep warm, Yoongi moving to hold Hoseok who was still sleeping.

Taehyung woke too, slowly looking around and realizing Jungkook was still asleep. Using his unwrapped arm Taehyung gently moved his brother's bangs from his face, frowning when he felt how hot he was.

"Jungkook-ah," Taehyung whispered, not wanting to alarm the others. When the boy made no response, Taehyung shook him gently.

"Jungkook-ah," he tried again, this time a bit louder.

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