BTS Kidnapped! Part Nineteen by Sandra & Kaelyn

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What the fuck was this world coming to? Mathan stood in front of the steel door and hated himself, his father and most of all the South Korean government. Because some stupid pencil pusher had decided to call them terrorists, these seven boys were now condemned to a Hell they might never escape from.

In the three days since his dear old Dad had sprung his video surprise on the guys, they had barely moved, spending all the time huddled together on the floor. With the beds bolted to the floor like the table, Namjoon had pulled a few of the mattresses off and all the blankets and tossed them into the opposite corner from Yoongi's nest. And that is where they all laid piled together like beaten puppies waiting to die.

Of course, his father thought it was fucking hilarious and kept talking about the long game and it made Mathan sick remembering that conversation.

Marthan stood at attention before his father, ingrained military habits hard to break, even now. The deadline was well passed, and they had received word that the Korean government would not allow the money to be paid to kidnappers now labeled terrorists. It was time to cut bait and run.

 It was time to cut bait and run

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"It would be a simple mission. I can take three men, we blindfold and restrain the boys, take them to Lexington or Louisville and leave them in a sparsely populated area while you and rest head out of the country. Once the boys are dumped, we meet up with you and plan a new mission."

His father leaned back in the chair, looked at Mathan and asked, "What makes you think this mission is over?"

"Because the money isn't coming....." Mathan replied. "And what good is keeping those boys if there isn't going to be a pay out."

"Oh son, you were never one to think of the long game. I always figured that something would keep the money from being delivered the first time." Mathan's father flipped the laptop he had been looking at around and on the screen, was the CEO of Big Hit Entertainment in front of the international press begging for the lives of BTS.

"I am sorry that I must disappoint him. Unfortunately, I will be sending him dead Bangtan Sonyeondan boys." The man laughed as if he had told the greatest joke in the world. "And then, my dear son...when enough time has gone by, I will resurrect those boys and this time they will pay the price we ask."

It was all Mathan could do not to throw up right then and there. This man was true evil and he was running out of time, if he was going to figure out a way to get those boys their freedom.

Shaking himself from his thoughts Mathan adjusted his gear and opened the door to the prison he guarded, looking at the human pile and wrinkling his nose. Had no one taken a bath?

"Gentleman," he said, taking a military stance and looking in their direction with his expressionless mask.

When the boys did not move Mathan hit the steel door with his fist, making a dent and causing the dog pile to jump and cower against the back wall.

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