Chapter 3: They're Coming

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"I don't trust him." Michonne said as they walked out.

"Have you ever trusted anyone?" Andrea asked.

"Yeah." Michonne said defensively after a pause.

"I'm just saying let's stay a little just to get out shit together." Andrea said as we walked.

"My shit never stopped being together." Michonne responded.

"This place is weird Andrea." I said looking to her. "You don't find it sketchy at all that he is practically preventing us from leaving?" I asked her.

"I think he's just tying to help us out." She answered. "And Michonne you almost lost your shit when Milton asked about your walkers."

"It's none of his damn business." Michonne answered looking to her as Andrea turned around.

"After everything we've been through I still feel like I hardly know you." Andrea said looking to her. "I'm sorry it's the truth. You know everything about me. The only reason we don't know about Lyla is because she's new, but we've been together for seven months."

"You know enough." Michonne squinted at Andrea trying not to get upset.

"Those walkers were with us all winter long and you took them out without hesitation." Andrea explained to her.

"It was easier than you think." Michonne's lip quivered lightly before she walked away.

"She's just trying to protect us you know." I told Andrea crossing my arms.

"Well it seems like she just wants us by ourselves again." She answered looking to me.

"I'm gonna go check on her." I said following Michonne and sitting next to her under some shade.

Before I got the chance to say anything four huge military trucks showed up. The governor walked out and stood on top of one. He started talking about how these military men had died but that they got his stuff. It sounded like bullshit that a group of military didn't make it but all of there stuff did.

"How?" I asked quietly. Michonne looked at me and then to the governor who used the death of those people as a way to make sure his people knew to stay.

"We should look at the trucks tomorrow." She answered quietly. I nodded as the governor told everyone to get to there rooms.

The next day came around and Michonne and I headed to the trucks. After walking past people they kept coughing as I walked past. I tried cleaning my hair the other day but the smell was still there. We kept going and went to the cars.

We looked around and Michonne called me over. She pointed at gun holes in the sides. I put my finger over it and looked to her. It could've been from a while ago but there wasn't any way to know. We went up and saw blood on the truck. It was sticky, but fresh enough to be recent and it definitely wasn't old muncher blood.

I looked to her and we walked out. "Pretty amazing." The governor said looking at us.

"It was lucky of us to find all that ammo." He said as we looked to him. "I heard you two and Andrea were leaving today. It's a shame. You would've made a great soldier." He said looking to Michonne. I looked to her and she had a 'I'm not taking your shit' face. "We have other kids her too which I know you might like." He said to me. I stayed quiet. The kids were little and they didn't know the struggle. It'd be to hard to understand them and for them to understand me.

"You seem to be holding up pretty well here." Michonne said looking to him. "Even the National Guard was overrun."

"No amount of training could prepare you for the world today." He said looking to her.

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