69 ~ Another Love

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Louis chocked, tears gripping his eyes. Every quote, Harry seeming closer.

"You have no idea who I am."

Why did he always sound so mad at him? He hadn't even done anything. Louis jumped at a sudden squeak, tires on concrete. He smiled, the Mustang.

"Get in."

He questioned when this was, pulling back through the memories he had with the boy of his dreams. Dreams. Maybe he's just dreaming.

"Did they hurt you?"

The time when the brothers followed Louis down alley ways, so overprotective. And he just thought they made Harry have no friends, he chuckled at how wrong he was.

"I'm sorry I'm harsh but I need to be,"

"I know you did baby! I was such an idiot," Louis blurred out, running to one of the walls, finding out quickly that they weren't walls. It was just endless white. He couldn't get out.

"H-Harry? A-Are you bleeding?"

Harry's whimpers rattles around Louis' headspace.

"P-Please leave me alone,"

The quotes paused, and Louis waited knowing it wasn't over.

"I-I don't want to hurt you."

The next sound was a howl, a deep, mourning howl. Louis dropped to his knees, he never knew that he would be able to control that in a few weeks. Just because Harry trusted him with his life.

"You're a shapeshifter."

He laughed by how scared he sounded, thinking about what happened around...Louis didn't even know how long he had been here for, with the boy. He was pretty sure he didn't sound that petrified then. But yet, he had just seen a boy he hardly knew turn into a fucking wolf.

"I need to protect you, you're part of my life now."

"It's better for people to hate me."
"I don't hate you,"
"You don't know me-"
"I know you better than anyone else."

Louis kept cracking up, why was he so naive and confident with Harry already, knowing he was a shapeshifter too? Adrenaline he guessed.

A change happened with the memories, it wasn't in a voice, it was in a text-


It was patterned across the ground, facing Louis. He spluttered as it reminded him how much they flirted over text. He loved it so much. He loved him so much.

"My life's so fucked up, I-I'm so sorry for dragging you down it,"

Louis felt fingers intertwine with his but he looked down to nothing, nothing was touching him and he was still on his own.

"T-Then we can both be fucked up together."

The feeling through his hand suddenly disappeared but then it wrapped around his shoulders, a renowned scent filling his nose. It smelt of Harry. But yet again, he was standing alone.

"I-I need you,"
"I-I need you too."

Anchor. The words were from when they were in the toilet hugging, when Louis had the idea to calm him. It worked, so well.

"He's not a fucking toy, leave him alone!"

The words were followed with a growl, Louis remembered when Will didn't trust Louis, at all. So much hatred for him, and now Louis' trusting Will to help him stay alive, along with the rest of the Styles family. Quiet, muttering notes started to rise in the space, and Louis couldn't tell what it was at first but then it got louder, pretty, calm piano.

Another love.

Their first kiss, everything Louis could have ever wished for. The way Harry played that day was perfect, his hands gliding over the keys so beautifully. How they were sat so close, so comfortable with each other even though they had only known each other for a few weeks.

No singing started but the piano carried on over the continuous talking.

"I-I like you."
"I-I like you too."

It felt like someone had turned up the heating, Louis felt so warm and cuddly, this must have been the butterflies he always had around Harry.

"Love is love Lou."

"I'm yours Harry Styles."
"I'm yours Louis Tomlinson."

"You're so fucking perfect I don't understand."
"I'm far from perfect Lou."

"You're perfect to me." Louis spoke over the exact same sentence, he smiled. He was.

"You're all I need."

A cringe, squeaking made the floor shake before the smell of a whiteboard marker fled into the scene.


His smile faded, Louis' reality hitting him. "Fuck." He whispered. Harry will have to go to prom on his own if Louis doesn't find a way to get out of here. He couldn't leave Harry like that, he would be devastated. All Louis hoped was that he could get through this and back to him.

Louis waited for something else, he started to feel off and the white box became dull and grey. A flash startled him as a rumble followed after it. Drips turned into spitting, spitting turned into rain, and in seconds, water was violently plummeting to the floor. But Louis wasn't getting wet, the water wasn't even near him.

"I-I g-got l-l-lost."

He shuddered, he hated this night. Why does it have to show this memory?

"Louis get out now!"

Breathing hitched.


Louis felt the same stinging pain, slice across his cheek. He stumbled back and grabbed it with his clean hands. No blood. "H-He didn't mean it- he didn't mean i-it-" the storm got more ferocious and the wind was now almost knocking Louis' over. The grey faded to a crimson, before going to a devilish red. Harry's eyes.

"T-That smells s-so good."


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