Chapter Two- "Faker Than A White Girls Tan."

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"Faker Than A White Girls Tan."

Song: Free Now by Sleeping With Sirens

Drea's P.O.V

All I could feel right now were my arms stinging.  I was so uncomfortable. I opened my eyes and noticed I was on the floor. 'I must've blacked out last night.' I thought, as I got up.

My knees were sore form all the beating, and I had more cuts and bruises on my arms. I better go take a shower, I smell awful.

All I remembered last night was this kid, Carter, taking me back to the orphanage and had to explain to him what happens here, and what has happened to me all these years that I've spent here.

I made my way to the cabinet, and grabbed some clothes that consisted of the usual. This time I decided to wear shorts, since it was hot today.

I grabbed them, and made my way towards the bathroom. I stripped out of my clothes, and got in the shower. I rinsed my body when I finally got to my old cuts. These weren't from Cindy. These were mine, I'd made them myself. I really don't like my how I look, and I always hated how they treated me here, all I wanted was an escape, and I'd found it.

I carefully soaked my cuts and bruises, and got out of the shower.

I got dressed in some black shorts, a Katy Perry 'Prism' shirt that I got from the thrift store, and some red Vans, also from the thrift store, I also placed on my Snapback. It was my custom made hat that stayed 'Mess With Me? Nah'. I combed my hair, brushed my teeth, and got out of the bathroom. Mostly all of the clothes all of us had are hand me downs, or from thrift shops.

"Drea, breakfast is ready." Robert, one of the little kids that lived here, informed me.

"Thanks Rob." I smiled, and made my way downstairs along with him.

I sat down, and since Cindy doesn't make us any breakfast, us kids have to make our own. Some of the kids make me breakfast, toast or cereal. A lot of them are young so o don't let them use pans. If I get up early, I cook for something for them mostly.

I chuckled, and sat down to have breakfast with the rest of the kids. I was the only older one. The rest of the kids were five, six, seven, eleven, and twelve year old's. I wasn't always the older one. There was this girl Abigail, she was seventeen but when she turned eighteen she left, she was my only friend here. The only thing she left me was her iPod to remember her by.

I didn't notice I'd already finished my breakfast, so I decided to go out for a walk around the beach.

"I'm going for a walk guys, would you cover for me?" I asked the kids, and they all nodded. "Thanks! Just tell her I'm going for a walk and that I'll be back later," the kids nodded, and continued to eat their breakfast.

I grabbed my iPod, headphones, and left the orphanage. I turned on the music as high as possible, and lost myself while walking.

Carters' P.O.V

"HAPPY BIRTHDAY!" I heard some of the boys yelling, and I groaned.

"Let me be. I'm tired!" I mumbled, and closed my eyes even tighter.

"Nope, get up boy we want you to know that we made you breakfast," I heard Matt's voice say, and I chuckled.

"I'll be up in a minute." I said, and shooed them away.

The boys woke me up, obviously I knew it was my birthday, how could I even forget, but since last night, all I could think about was Drea and how miserable she must be in that orphanage.

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