Chapter Thirty Six- School, Mac&Cheese and a Girlfriend?

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School, Mac&Cheese and a Girlfriend?

Song: Supernova by 4Count

Drea's P.O.V

I woke up with arms wrapped around my waist. I looked over to the side, and saw Dillon laying there, his lips curled into a cute smile, and his eyes were fully closed.

I woke up, you know, besides me having Dillon's arm wrapped, and him shuffling, my phone was signaling me that it was time for school.

I quietly slid out of Dillon's embrace, and went to take a shower.

I stripped out of my pajamas, and into the warm water, letting it soak all my body, and hair. As I washed my body, I noticed that I didn't have any soap with me.

"Shit," I whispered.

I poked my head out of the shower, and luckily the door was closed. I quickly got my soap, and went back to my perfect warm shower.

After I finished showering, I got my clothes I had picked out, and put them on. I blow dried my hair, and straighten it. I placed my makeup on, and teased my hair a bit so it would look spunky. After finishing everything, I got out of the bathroom, and went to place on my shoes. I took out my perfectly in good condition Marvel Vans, and grabbed my stuff.

I got closer to Dillon, and took a quick selfie.

As I was about to leave, someone pushed me back in the bed.

"Dillon, I have to go," I said, and giggled.

"Oh won't you, stay with me," he singed.

I laughed, and shook my head. "I can't," I whined.

"Then skip school," he suggested.

"Are you crazy?"

"A little, yes, but it's just one day.''

I rolled my eyes.

"I don't know, I don't want to get in trouble Dillon."

"Fine, I won't make you. Now, go to school, and learn some stuff you won't need for the near future!" he command me.

"I know what to do in school," I assured him.

"And what is that?" he asked, raising his left eyebrow.

"SLEEP IN CLASS!" I yelled, and shut the door.

I was just down the steps when I forgot my phone.

I raced back up the stairs, and grabbed the phone Dillon was playing with.

"I'll take that!" I snatched it out of his hands, and laughed.

"Love you!" Dillon exclaimed.

"Same, babe."

I knocked on Matt's door, and he opened.

"Ready?" I asked him.

I mean, what kind of question was that? He was already dressed, and he had his book bag with him, so of course he was ready.

"Leggo!!!!!!!!" he exclaimed, and dragged me down stairs.

I followed him into the bus, and sat down.

The bus ride was silent for me, because I had my ear buds on, hearing 4Count's new song California.

I hadn't noticed that we were already at school, until Matt shook my shoulder.

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