Chapter Forty Eight- 'Free Yourself, Live Your Dreams'

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'Free Yourself, Live Your Dreams'

Drea's P.O.V

I slowly turned around, and there they were.

Their beautiful faces, and those perfect tattoo's permanently on their skin.

"You guys are Sleeping With Sirens," my voice trembled, and my hands started to sweat.

Oh crap, not now I thought.

"Nice to meet you Drea," the bass guitarist, Justin Hills extended his arm, and smiled at me.

Oh god, I think I'm having a fangasm or something.

"The pleasure is all mine," I shook his hand.

"Are you nervous?" their drummer, Gabe Barham asked me.

"You can say that," I chuckled nervously.

"I'm Gabe," he extended his hand.

I smiled, and shook it. "I know."

"Then you must know me," Jack Fowler, the lead guitarist flashed a cocky smile towards me.

"Oh I do," I laughed.

I finally started to calm down, and took deep breathes. I extended my hand for him to shake, but he didn't.

"I'm a huger," and with that, he pulled me into a hug.

I grunted as he pulled me real tight into his chest.

I could see the guys, huge grins on their faces.

When Jack finally let me go, I turned around and looked at my boys. "Who's plan was this?" I asked them.

They all smiled and looked at both, Dillon and Carter.

My eyes started to water and before I knew it, a chuckle escaped my mouth and I was running towards them to hug the life out of both.

Carter went first, and he hugged back.

"You like it?" he asked.

"Love it," I corrected him.

Dillon was up next, and I just rushed over to him.

He extended his arms, waiting for me to embrace him in a hug, but I didn't.

I jumped on him, and wrapped my legs around his torso, his hands finding a way towards my butt, making him grin. I couldn't resist the urge to kiss him, so I pressed my lips with force into his, and I made out with him for about two minutes.

I would've made out with him some more, but someone coughed.

And by someone, I mean Gabe.

"This is just awkward, you guys can make out later when we leave," Jack joked.

"Yeah guys, kep it PG please," Justin said.

I jumped of off Dillon, and chuckled, embarrassed.

"Am I the only one who noticed, but I'm the one missing a 'hello' or I don't know, maybe a hug!?" I heard Kellin complaining.

I looked at him, and he smiled at me.

Oh that face, I could just rape it.


Just kidding! Or am I?

I walked over to him, and he pulled me into a hug, kissing the top of my head.

"I've heard you're a huge fan of ours," he said.

"I am, true die hard fan," I responded.

"So if that's true, when were we all born?" Kellin asked, testing me.

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