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So, I basically divided this from the fan questions, to personal questions that I would be so happy for you guys to answer them also. I'll be answering all the ones you guys asked, here and from the people who asked me on Kik! The personal questions, I will place them, and then I will answer them, so you guys can also! I hope you guys answer. I want to get to know you guys better than ever!

Fan questions!

Q: @Nashs_wife asks and I quote 'Do. You. Like. Lemonade?'

A: Why yes, I do like lemonade, but I like it with strawberries inside.

Q: @Annabek2hip314 asks 'What gave you this idea?'

A: Well, I was reading @sunshine_liam 's Adopted by Magcon book, when I wanted to see if I write the book, will people read it. I was nervous at first, but when I saw that people were reading it, I kept on it. Plus, since I love Magcon, I couldn't help myself to write a book about them.

Q: @amierocks101 asks 'What's your favorite chapter out of this book so far?'

A: My favorite chapter out of this book so far, has to be when Matt finds Drea cutting and told her to show him her scars, and all that. Idk what chapter it was but it was my fav!

So, these were asked by Kik!

Q: Who is Drea?

A: Drea is basically a girl who has had an awful past life. She lost her parents at a young age, well, that's what she actually thinks. Her parents gave her away, so, yeah, she has a rough life. She's full of life. She does harm herself. She does everything in her will to smile, be happy, etc. but yeah, she's a very special girl getting adopted by Magcon.

Q: Who plays Drea?

A: I get asked this questions a lot! Who is Drea? Who plays Drea? Which actress plays Drea? Well, to answer all those questions the person who plays Drea is the one and only Lia Marie Johnson from Terry The Tomboy! :)

Q: Can we be best friends?

A: No, just kidding. HELL YASSS!!!

Personal questions that I will answer, and want you guys to also answer.

- Q: Fav food?

A: Pizza, Pasta, and ICE CREAM!

-Q: Fav season?

A: Summer and Winter

-Q: Fav sport/player?

A: Soccer. Neymar and David Beckham.

-Q: What made me fall in love with Magcon?

A: Well, my friend showed them to me in pics then I started to see some of their Vines, and fell in love!

-Q: Fav T.V. show?

A: For now! Law and Order: Special Victims Unit, Girl Code, and Dating Naked

-Q: Who is my idol?

A) My idol? More like idols, My idols has to be Kieran Ackerman from 4Count, and Brie Bella

-Q: Do I like Bacon?

A:Why yes, yes I do.

-Q:How old are you?

A: I'm 14!

-Q: Where are you from?

A: I'm from the Caribbean, I think that's where Puerto Rico is! Lolz!

Q:Do You Like O2L?

A: Hell yeah I do!

-Q: Who is your favorite?

A: Favorite? More like favorites! Has to be Ricky and Kian.

Q: Why do you like them/him?

A: Because Ricky practically teaches me to be myself. And Kian, well Kian. I don have any words. I mean, look at him. He's amazing.

-Q: Who is your favorite magcon bae?

A: I'm a Jack G and Dillon girl.

-Q: Why?

A:Because.... Because I'm their girl!

Q: Favorite Starbucks drink?

A: MochaFrapp

-Q: Single or taken?

Single, unless you count mentally dating Jack G taken, then yeah, I'm taken.

-Fav celebrity?

A: Has to be, Nikki and Brie Bella. I watch A LOT OF WWE! :)

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