Chapter Fifteen- Love Story's and O2L

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Love Story's and O2L

Song: O2L Song by Charlie Puth

Drea's P.O.V

The morning was filled with boredom. We literally had nothing to do, but look at each others faces. It was kind of boring, so we made the best of it by playing the seven second challenge.

Jack and Jack were over at the house, and with Jack G was Crystal.

Crystal and I were outside playing volleyball, while the guys were grilling some hamburgers.

"So, how did you and Jack meet?" I asked Crystal, hoping it wasn't romantic like.

To be honest, I don't like when the story is romantic, but I sometimes do make an exception when it comes to movies, like The Fault In Our Stars.

The movie was romantic, but simple.

Crystal sat down on the grass, and grabbed her breath. "Well," she looked back at the house, and saw Jack chatting with the guys. "We met at a soccer tournament, his team was against mine," I stopped her mod sentence.

"Aren't you on the guy's team? As in the captain?" I asked her.

"I'm getting to that," she laughed, and continues, "Well, we won, they lost, I was grabbing something to eat, bumped into some random stranger, dropping the soda, and then running away. I was devastated, because I really wanted to drink the soda, so, Jack I guess he noticed, bought me a soda, and have me his number," she explained.

"Is that it? Nice ending!" I exclaimed, not knowing that she wasn't finished yet.

"Uh, no actually, didn't finish it yet," she giggled and I said sorry.

Jack came out, and sat next to Crystal, placing his arm around her shoulder. "What haven't you finished, babe?" Jack asked, as Crystal smiled at him.

"I was just asking her how you two met," I answered, and Jack's eyes lit up like a Christmas tree.

"Babe, can I finish it?" Jack asked, and Crystal nodded.

"Sure, go ahead."

"Where'd you leave off?"

"When you gave me your number," Crystal said, and placed her head on his shoulder.

"Oh okay, my favorite part!" Jack exclaimed, and continue to tell the story. "So, I gave Crystal my phone number, but I kind of forgot about her and never called. A month later, we met again, for our schools football game. I was in the stands, when I saw her, I mean; she was easy to spot with her dyed hair. So, I left Jack alone with his food, and ran to the other side of the football field, and waited for half time. She, the last time we met, gave me her name, and I remembered it crystal clear," Jack joked, making me laugh, "So, half time was up, and I grabbed a mic.

By that time, Distance, our song was out, so I sang it for half time, then spoke into the mic, and said the exact same words I am about to say, which were, 'Crystal, my blue/purple haired princess, will you go out with me?', she blushed, and nodded from a far, making everyone clap and cheer!" Jack finished, and I smiled.

"Awww, that's so sweet!" I exclaimed, and punched him playfully in the arm.

"Yeah, but the purple/blue haired princess thing, made me re-think about painting my hair a different color," Crystal informed.


"Because, I was going to dye it that same afternoon brown, but decided to wait till the other day, haven't dyed it another color since!"

Adopted By Magcon. . . At Sixteen?Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang