Chapter Forty Six- Dark Side Of The Moon

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So I just finished school, so I can from now on be updating any day of the week, maybe all days of the week, but I doubt that part, so, I will probably update twice or three times!

I need you to play this song while you read the chapter.

I NEED You to do this, and if it stops and you haven't finished the chapter play it again.

Dark Side Of The Moon

Song: Let Them See You by JJ Weeks Band

Drea's P.O.V

'All I want for Christmas is a father'

Those words ran through my mind so many fucking times, I don't even know what to do anymore.

My head hurts so much, but not as much as my heart right now.

I don't know what to do, and all I know is that Dillon treats her so much like she was his own daughter.

"I don't know if she will be able to have a father, I just don't," I trailed off, and started to cry and buried my face on my hands.

I can't get her a father.

I don't even know if Ariel likes Dillon as a father.

I mean, he does take care of her sometimes, and every time they're together she has the most fun and laughs like there's no tomorrow. He just treats her so kind, like she's a priceless artifact and if it falls, he won't find a way to make it better.

I was still crying, and I was sure I could wake the guys up if I kept crying inside.

I got up, and went to the backyard.

The fresh midnight air hit my face, and made me shiver.

My tears were all dried up by now, and I just felt like crying even more.

I took my shoes off, and placed my feet inside the cool water. I looked at the stars and took a deep breath, while I inhaled and exhaled.

"Fuck my life," I started to cry again.

Tears rushed once again down my face, and I just let it all out.

I cried and cried, until I couldn't no more.

Or until someone touched my shoulder, making me flinch.

I knew it had to be one of the guys, so I didn't look back. I didn't want them to see me cry even more. It's just not what I wanted.

"Mommy, why are you crying?" I heard Ariel ask in a concerned voice.

I turned around, and wiped my tears away as fast as I could.

She was in her pajamas, obviously, but this cold air wasn't good for her. I didn't want her to catch a cold in the middle of the night.

"Oh it's nothing sweetie, go back upstairs and go back to sleep, please."

She looked at me, rubbing her small fragile eyes.

"No, why were you crying mommy?" she asked me once again.

"Come here baby," I said grabbing her, and placing her on my lap. She sunk her tiny feet into the pool and looked at me, waiting for an explanation. "What is the number one thing you want for Christmas?" I asked her.

I already knew the answer, but I needed to hear it from her.

"Mommy, I can't tell you that. Santa might not bring it to me if I snitch," she giggled, telling me like I didn't know.

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