Chapter Thirty Nine- "Someone To Call My Own"

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Picture of the little girlon the side, or on top. Steven will be in the next chapter

Here's the second part of this magnificent book. Hope you enjoy it!!

"Someone To Call My Own"

Drea's P.O.V

I recognized that voice anywhere.


It was like he never changed. His light brown eyes sparkled a bit under the front door light, his style never changed as he wore his V-Neck shirt, black shorts, and his blue and white Nike's. His hair was all messy like he used to have it, and he had the same expression as the last time I saw him.

He disgusted me.

"What do you mean that this is Drea's daughter?" Carter asked Steven.

Steven chuckled slightly as he rolled his eyes looking in my direction.

"She hasn't told you guys anything?" Steven asked.

"The only thing she has told us is that she had an abusive ex-boyfriend," Carter assured him.

"And yet, here he is," Nash spoke.

I for once, didn't say a single word. I was too shocked to even look at the guys now, knowing they would've wanted some answer.

"Drea, what happened with you two?" Dillon asked me.

"I-I can't remember. He took me to a guy, and he hypnotized me, taking away memories that I didn't want anymore," I said. "Maybe it was temporary because I remeber everything now. It's like a memory shock or something."

"You don't remember how nice that sex was?" Steven spoke.

That's when everything snapped back.

"You," I said. "You FUCKING RAPED ME!" I yelled at him, causing the little girl that was mine to start crying.

"Jack, take the baby to the living room, try and calm her down a bit," Cameron said.

Jack did was he was told, and toon the little girl away, and tried to calm her down.

"Why are you here?" I asked him.

"I'm here to give you your daughter back," he smirked. "Mom got tired of taking care of her, and I'm sure as hell not going to take care of her."

"You can't just leave her with me. I don't even know how old she is, or her name!" I protested.

"She's two. Her name's Arianelix, have fun!" He said, and started to leave.


I started to race towards him, but Dillon held me back.

"Calm down babe, I got this," he said, and ran towards him.

"Steven, is it?" He asked.

"What do you want you douche?" Steven snapped. "And with that slit of a girlfriend of yours, I don't think you want anything.''

Dillon didn't even think about it two times, he just swooped him one, and punched him.

"Don't you ever disrespect my girl like that again you asshole!"

Steven got up and started to get away from Dillon, he didn't even think about it two times before he ran away, and didn't look back.

"You didn't have to do that Dillon," Shawn said.

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