Chapter Twenty-Three- Movie Marathon, Ben & Jerry's And Good Memories

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Movie Marathon, Ben & Jerry's and Good Memories

Drea's P.O.V

I was back home were I belonged. The guys had dropped me off this morning, saying that they would be doing weekly visits to see how I was, which I was totally fine with it.

I was in my room, taking the clothes I had used while I was at the O2L house, and placing them in the laundry, so I could wash them later.

Someone knocked on my door, and entered my room. Matt, Carter, and Nash stood there, watching me.

I looked at them curiously, and just watched them stand there doing absolutely nothing.

An awkward silence was filling the room, and I decided to break it.

"Can I help you guys with something?" I asked, breaking the silence.

"Oh yeah, dinner's down stairs if you want to eat something," Nash said, and headed out.

"Thanks, but I'm not hungry right now," I replied. "Anything else?" I added.

"Yeah, we're going to have a movie marathon, popcorn and snacks, so we two are going to Walmart to buy some stuff, want to come?" Carter asked me.

I looked back at my clothes that needed to be out away, but I won't pass an opportunity to mess around in Walmart!

"My clothes can wait, so yeah, I'll go with you guys!" I said, and grabbed some shoes, throwing them on, and standing up.

"Alright, let's go," Matt said, and we all headed down stairs.

We got in the car, and drove off to Walmart to find our stuff that consisted of candy, sodas, popcorn, and more sugary stuff.

"Okay, so let's split up," Carter said, starting to give instructions. "Matt, go get the candy. Drea, go get the popcorn and the rest of the treats, and I will go get the soda. What do you guys want to drink?" he asked us.

"I want Pepsi, and Cameron told me he wants you to get some Coca-Cola," I told Carter, and he nodded.

We all went out separate ways, and went to go find what we needed. I started to look through the isles, when I finally found the popcorn. There were a lot of different flavored popcorns, so I decided to grab the most buttery one you could ever find. I then, left to find some Ben and Jerry's for myself, and Taylor since he wanted ice-cream. I grabbed little tubs that consisted of Cookie Dough, Banana Split, Cake Batter, Red Velvet, and Milk & Cookies for me, and then Chocolate Fudge, S'mores, and another Cookie Dough for Taylor. You can say that I practically love Ben & Jerry's.

By now, I was practically done with my stuff. I was passing through the toys, and saw a huge box filled with plastic balls, and decided I would get in them. As I started to climb into the huge box, Matt appeared next to me, and gave me a weird look.

"What're you doing?" he asked me.

"Oh great, now that you are here, film me getting into this giant box of plastic balls, and put it on Vine," I said, and gave Matt my phone to film me doing my little stunt.

"Nobody has ever done this," Matt laughed, as I started to get into the box.


I quickly got in, and then fell inside the plastic balls, and laughed along with Matt, who was now laughing on the floor. As I got out of the box, people looked at me all weirdly, and I just kept laughing.

"Let's head back, Carter's probably looking for us by now," Matt said, and I grabbed my basket filled with popcorn, and ice cream, and Matt grabbed his filled with a TON of different candy bars, and sweets.

We found Carter with the soda, waiting for us in line.

"Where were you guys?" Carter asked us, taking his wallet out.

"I was filming Drea get in a huge Box filled with plastic balls." Matt said, and showed him the video we posted on Vine, which got millions of likes, and re-vines.

Carter started to laugh, and re-vined it also. "Come on, enough of that, let's pay for all this, and head back," he said, and we started to pay.


When we got back home, we placed everything in the freezer and the fridge, and I went to eat the dinner the guys made, which was basically Mac & Cheese, with three types of cheese.

Since the guys rented the movies, we were going to watch Hercules, Mean Girls, Hunger Games: Catching Fire, The Call, The Conjuring, and Peter Pan. Peter Pan was my idea, though.

Nightfall came by earlier than I expected, so we invited the rest of Magcon and the girlfriends and told them to bring ten boxes of pizza, and a lot of chocolate.

We were all ready to start watching the movies. Taylor was with Amina in a corner, probably making out or eating the ice cream. Hayes was cuddling with Gabby. Nash and Tati were on Instagram. Cameron was still waiting for his bae, Natalia. Gilinsky and Crystal were eating chocolate. Jack and Jazz were getting the pizza.  Mahogany and Jacob were laughing on the couch. Shawn and Carter were placing all the candy and snacks in the huge coffee table.  Matt was turning his laptop off. Sammy was with his girlfriend, who I met today, Nicole. Last but not least, Aaron and I were talking about his new single 3005.

When Jazz and Jack came back with the pizza, we all started to watch the movies.

I was fine being alone with my five tubs of ice cream, and pizza. Everyone else was cuddling with their boos, so, I was alone. Well not everyone, Carter, Shawn, Matt, and Aaron were all single, so I wasn't alone.

The only weird thing was that Matt was hiding behind Carter's back, so they were practically cuddling which each other. We were watching The Conjuring first, so yeah. Before Matt got out of Carter's back, I snapped a pic and posted it on Instagram, tagging them. I was caught though, because the flash went off.

"Delete that!" Carter and Matt exclaimed.

"No, let me post it on Instagram and tag you first," I said, and did it.

"Okay, now delete it," Carter said, and I shook my head.

"No, I'll leave it on my phone for good memories," I said, and watched the movie end.


By the time we had finished watching all the movies, everyone was super tired. Mostly because it was already 3:54 in the morning, so all the girlfriends had to sleep over, and the guys also.

The girls and I were at my room, getting ready to go to sleep, when one of the guys decided to barge in the room, fake blood all over him, screaming making us all scream, and practically wet our pants off.

"That's not funny!" we all screamed, and threw pillows at Cameron so he would already leave.

Cameron left, laughing along with Matt filming the video, and closed our doors.

We all got settled, and went to sleep.

So hey guys, I will be updating tomorrow, I hope, and stuff, so yeah!

Next chapter will be three months later, so I hope nobody gets confused, so yeah.

tell me your fav part?

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