Chapter Four- Selfies, Pool And A Sweet Baby Jesus

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Selfies, Pool And A Sweet Baby Jesus

Song: This Is How We Do by Katy Perry

Chapter was edited*

Drea's P.O.V

We went through a lot of drama on our trip to the mall. From the color of the room I wanted, to arguing with the guys they didn't have to buy me any electronics, them buying new clothes at every trendy store they saw, it ended at me telling Cameron to not worry about the phone, that it wasn't necessary, but he bought it anyways, and fighting because we didn't know where to eat, we finally finished shopping.

I had gotten used to talking to the guys, and I became I little more confident around them. They were as crazy as me, and I liked that. I knew we were going to get along really well.

While the guys were upstairs painting my room an aqua color, placing the new bed, putting up some posters, and decorating the rest of my room, I was downstairs with Shawn. Apparently, Carter didn't want me to go into the room yet, because he wanted it to be a surprise.

"Here you go!" Shawn exclaimed, handing me my new iPhone, and smiling widely. "I placed all the guy's phone numbers, bought you a couple of hundred songs, installed Vine, Instagram, Tumblr, Facebook and Twitter. Made you an account in all of them, and took a few selfies of myself so you can put them as your lock screen photos." he said, and I scrolled through my phone, looking at about thirty selfies of Shawn.

"Damn, all these selfies?" I asked him.


"Come on; let's take one, this time with the actual owner of the phone." I joked, and he posed. I stuck out my tongue and so did Shawn and took the photo.

"It looks good." I said, placing it as my lock screen. "What's Vine and how do I work it?" I asked him.

"It's an app that you use to post videos. Like YouTube, but only a few seconds long." He explained.

"DID I HEAR SELFIE?" I heard the boys yell, and run downstairs. They were shirtless, and covered with paint all over their body's.

"Damn, did you guys have a paint war or something?" I asked them.

"Noooo. . yes." they all confessed. They had paint in their faces, chest, and all over their pants.

"Come on, let's finish painting Drea's room," Carter said, but stopped at the middle of the stairs. "But first, let's take a selfie!" he said, in the most ridicules voice ever, and all the boys rushed behind me and Shawn.

"Say püma!" I joked, and took the selfie.

"She says Püma too, oh my god I love her!" Cameron yelled, grabbed my cheek and kissed it, leaving it all filled with paint.

"Gross," I rubbed my cheek, and tried to take the paint out, making some of the guys laugh. "Is my room ready yet?" I asked, and they shook their heads.

"Looks like not today kiddo, you'll be rooming with one of the guys." Carter said, and I chuckled nervously.

"She can room with me." Taylor suggested, and winked.

"Nah, I'll pass on that one there." I informed him, and grabbed his bandana. I placed it on my head, and took a selfie.

"Give it back!" Taylor pouted.

"Hhhm, I'll think about it for a sec. . . No, you want it you better catch me." I sung, and ran outside, Taylor behind me.

"DREA COME BACK HERE, NOW!" yelled Taylor, who was apparently catching up to me.

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