Chapter Nine- Sorry's, Fro-Yo and Frozen

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Sorry's, Fro-Yo and Frozen


"Where's Taylor?" I asked.

"He's in a plane going to New York." Nash spoke.

"Why?" I asked.

"Don't ask me," he snapped. "You're the one that hit him."

I just looked down, and went to get something to drink. I opened the fridge and heard someone walk in.

"Carter, can I talk to you?" Matt asked, and I nodded.

"What's up?" I asked.

Matt sighed, and began to talk.

•Back to Reality·

"What happened yesterday?" He asked me.

I sighed. I knew he wanted to talk about this, but I just didn't.

"I was taking a shower, and when I finished I heard Drea yelling at the boys, so I decided to find out what was going on. When I walked downstairs Drea wasn't there, and all the boys were looking at their phones so I asked them what was wrong. They all told me about the Madison Beer thing, and well, I didn't believe them, so I defended her instead of defending Drea. I told them I was going to go to sleep, they all scoffed, and Shawn tried to follow me upstairs telling me to fix the mess and everything with her. To stop defending Madison, and all this shit. Then, Taylor came out of nowhere, and started to yell, I told him to back off and he tried to grab me, I didn't like that so I punched him, and he left. After that, everyone went their separate ways." I explained to Matt, and he nodded.

"You know I found Drea cutting her wrists because of the hate." he said, and I looked up. "She doesn't need this Carter, she's really hurt."

"She's cutting?" I asked him, and he nodded. "When?"

"Last night, didn't you just hear her a few minutes ago? She said her "issues" came back, so yeah, she was referring that, with cutting," he said, with a sad expression on his face, "She thinks that this is all her fault. She thinks that Taylor left because of her and that all of you are mad because of her; you need to talk to her Carter. Don't keep making her go through this."

"I am, don't worry; I'll talk to her as soon as possible." I said, and Matt nodded and started to leave. "Hey Matt," I said, and he turned back towards me. "Thanks bro." I smiled and he nodded.

"I didn't tell you this so you could be informed. I'm telling you this because I love Drea. We all do, and we don't want to see her suffer. She's been trough enough," he left, and I just looked down at the glass of water that I had in my left hand.

I sighed, and placed the cup down and went to look for Drea. I searched the whole house, and still no sight of her. There was one place that I hadn't checked, and there she was, feet in the pool, she was talking to someone on the phone.

Drea's P.O.V

After I left the room, I decided to just go take a little walk around the backyard, and call Taylor. I searched my phone for a whole twenty minutes, and finally found it under the covers of the bed.

I dialed Taylor's phone number and waited for it to ring.

I left the room, and went straight to the backyard and sat at the end of the pool, and dipped my feet in.

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