Chapter Forty Seven- Christmas Gifts With Sleeping With Sirens

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Christmas Gifts With Sleeping With Sirens

Drea's P.O.V

"IT'S CHRISTMAS!" I heard Ariel scream at the top of her lungs.

I could feel some drool all over my face, and I was super tired as hell.

Wait, how did I get from the orphanage, here?

I don't even remember walking home by any matter.

I scanned around, and saw I was in the living room, and the first thing I saw was Ariel looking under the tree, maybe looking for her presents.

I chuckled, but kept thinking how I ended up home.

"If you're wondering, I drove you back," Dillon said, walking behind the Christmas tree, dressed like an elf.

"What the hell are you wearing?" I laughed.

"Look mommy, Dillon looks funny!" Ariel giggled, pointing at Dillon, who was munching on a candy cane.

"I'm an elf," he said, being obvious. "Sam's coming later with gifts, so he's Santa."

"Well. . ." I trailed off. "That's interesting," I said, as he sat next to me, kissing my nose.

I smiled and looked at Ariel, who apparently found her gift.

"Mommy, can I open it?" she asked me.

"Why don't we wait for your uncles to wake up?" I suggested.

"I'll go wake them up now!" she exclaimed, and tried running up the stairs.

Her hair was all messy, and I knew for a matter of fact that she didn't wash her teeth.

"Ariel, just give them a little more ti-"

"Let her go, it's Christmas," Dillon rubbed my back.

I noticed I was still wearing the same clothes I wore to the mall when I took Ariel yesterday, which is the same thing I wore when I talked with Ariel last night and when I went to take a stroll to just clear my mind. The same clothes I would've worn if I took that step.

"You don't know how I knew where you were, right?" Dillon said.

I shook my head, and looked at him. "No clue. Did I call you?" I asked.

"Yes, you kind of sounded drunk," he said, a little confused.

That's when it hit me. After crying on the roof top, I remembered where my social worker kept her Vodka, when she had to deal with me when I was still in the orphanage.

"You don't remember?" he asked me.

"I do now, I just don't remember calling you," I spoke, softly.

"You did mention some crazy things when I picked you up."

"Like what?" I chuckled.

"Like how you always wanted a heartbeat tattoo, and how you always wanted to ride an elephant," Dillon laughed.

"Don't you dare laugh you little elf!" I giggled. "I have always wanted that tattoo on my wrist, and I have never wanted to ride an elephant," I shook my head. "What else did I say?"

"Well the last thing you said wasn't funny, it was more serious."

"What was it?" I asked.

Dillon got silent for a moment, grabbed my hand, and looked at me. "How Ariel always wanted a father," he said.

"I told you that?" I asked him.

"Yes you did, and I want to be that father figure in her life."

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