Chapter 14: A Hero

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Silence, silence, silence, silence, to hell with you, you flipping tyrants!


and I don't even know, if Dwayne would come and spend some money for something, which doesn't even has anything to do with him! Actually it has, but since all of this is just some temporary thing going on, it shouldn't count. I don't know how much time passed, it's still dark outside and I'm sitting here all alone, being tied to a chair, thinking about my parents and my life back in England. Which I normally should ignore and shouldn't give any shits about.

'I wonder what they're doing right now and what their thoughts were of me,not being there anymore... Are they concerned? Or are they happy with their life right now?'

I know, I didn't thought much about them here in Palawan. In the first place, I have to admit, I've never felt like I had a family at all. It was like we were two different dimensions under the same roof. It doesn't even feel like I had a loss. Also many things happened here in Palawan, which are completely new for me. I met many new people and have a friend right now. I'm smiling much more and talk a lot more too! It feels really refreshing to have someone to talk to and gossip with. Now, only just now I'm able to understand why my classmates talked more, than listening to our teacher. It was fun, it made me feel at ease. I felt free. I mean, being silent in school has benefits too! You're able to hear the hottest new things, which were going around the campus at that moment. Not that I was interested in, but... nevermind. You know what I mean.

Then there's my school project-partner Drake. I never showed him, how thankful I was, for him being my partner in every school project. It's sad that he ended up as a Taxi driver. He was really good at school. Even better than me! He really deserved better... I never had such big problems as being bullied at school and I'm really thankful for that. All of them just ignored me and never glanced at me. It was easier for me to get over it, than confronting haters every day. While saying haters, let's not forget Josh. My bitchy co-worker. We didn't talked much too. It was just him being super angry at some callers and letting his anger out at everything, that dared to come next to him. And it always happened right after I finished a call! I literally ended up listening to his anger silently, while looking at him expressionless and acting like I cared about it, without saying anything. Seems like Dwayne and I are have something in common.. No, I take that back!
A life as cold as he is, would freeze me to death!

What did Josh thought about my sudden disappearance? He probably ended up with Katherine. Katherine is the most hated worker at the Call center. She's to 120% more bitchy than Josh. As far as I know, he hates her more than everything in his life. Did he freaked out? Has he pulled out her extensions? I HAVE TO KNOW! If I had a bit of empathy for him, I would've been sad. But I'm not. 

Then, there's my lovely and really unique best friend Hans... Guys, I've changed my mind, let's not talk about him.

And last but not least, Dwayne. A mysterious dominance showing man, who barely talks and never shows any emotions. And his eyes... Oh God his piercing cold eyes..., How is it possible, that his icy blue eyes are talking and showing more than this man in general? Many people fear him and I always thought it was because of his appearance. But it was not. It was a Imperium and a lot of might that he has, which everyone fears of. Because someone with such a big might could do a lot of things.

While thinking about it, I remembered, that Dwayne talked to a lot of those people at the campfire. Especially after the breakfast and sometimes throughout the day. It wouldn't make no sense to say, that he talked to them out of fun. He never talked to me just to avoid boredom. There's more, there's definitely more, but what? What is it that he was searching for?

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