January 4th

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The drive to SARC was quiet. Everyone was silently reflecting on what had happened, blaming themselves for missing the fact that Dylan had started drinking again. Not that it was to blame for what had happened to their friend. Anyone could be burgled. Anyone could be raped.

No one wanted to be the first to make a move when they finally pulled up outside the building. Iain took the initiative though, getting out of the vehicle to take the wheelchair out. David reluctantly got out and looked up at the building. Standing outside made the whole thing seem more real.

"Don't leave me". Sam looked at Dylan as he said those words. He looked so lost.

"I won't". She'd fight anyone that stopped her being there for Dylan.

David and Iain got Dylan out and into the wheelchair, Dylan moaning that he was quite capable walking himself. They smiled because that sounded like the Dylan they all knew and not the broken man they had found at the boat.

Sam was glad that they didn't have to wait to see the Doctor. She insisted on staying with Dylan, pretending that they were still married. Although, Dylan refused to let them examine him without Sam.


4 hours later, Dylan was in a recovery room being grumpy with the staff. He really didn't want to wear a gown, he hated the horrible starchy feeling. He was given an oversized tshirt when he declared he'd go around naked if they didn't get him something else!

Iain drove David home. Dervla staying with David because he had a garden. Sam refused to leave. She held Dylan's hand until he went to sleep. Taking the chart of the edge of the bed, she cried reading the notes. She knew he'd be bed bound for a week and wondered whether she could look after him. Doctors were notoriously regarded as the worst patients. Dylan was the equivalent of 6!


David didn't bother attempting any sleep. He simply went to work, dropping Dervla off at daycare, booking her in for the rest of the week. At least she could have some kind of normality. When he reached the ED, he paused.

"You ok David?". David looked up and saw Glen approaching him.

"I'm fine I guess. Can I have a word?". David gestured to the Peace Garden. They both grabbed a cup of tea and sat down. "Can you do me a favour?"

"Depends what it is?". Glen laughed.

"Contact that Doctor friend of Dylan's for me"

"Zsa Zsa? Why?"

"Promise me you won't tell anyone just yet. Even Robyn"

"I don't want to keep anything from Robyn"

David nodded to say he understood. "Dylan was raped over New Year. Sam and I found him last night on the boat. He'd been burgled"

Glen dropped his tea in shock. After everything Dylan had done to help him, the universe had repaid his kindness with this?! "Is he ok? I mean, well...." Glen jumped up and hit the wall with his fist.

"He's at the local SARC with Sam. He'll need time to recover and he'll need care, but they don't provide anything after 24 hours. I was hoping Zsa Zsa might be able to help"

"Of course I'll contact her. I'll send her a message now"

"Not until I've had a look at that hand first"


Iain went into work even though it was his day off. He knew Sam wasn't in any state to work and probably wouldn't be for a good few days.

He caught up with David and they agreed to meet at the end of the shift with Glen. Zsa Zsa had got Dylan a bed at the private clinic Glen was treated at.


Sam was asleep on the chair when Dylan woke up. He was shivering, despite it being hot in the room. He tried getting out of the bed but didn't have the energy to swing his legs round to the side. Dylan let out a frustrated sigh that woke Sam.

"You need help?". Dylan nodded. She brought over a wheelchair and eventually managed to get Dylan into it. Sam wheeled him to the bathroom. "Shout me if you need me". They held hands, both reluctant to let go.

Once in the shower Dylan cried.

Sam leant against the bathroom door, sliding to the floor. She didn't bother trying to hold her tears back.

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