January 10th

38 2 0

Zoe Hanna never thought she'd be back here again. But here she was, stood outside Holby City's Emergency Department. The building held so many memories for her. However, she was back for 3 reasons only. To take over from Connie in her absence. To see Max again. And for Dylan.

She had been understandably upset when Hanssen had contacted her about the lastest events at Holby City. His own son bent on revenge, killing Raf, injuring Jac and Ollie, finally killing himself. Connies cancer and Dylan's rape. Zoe could hardly refuse Hanssens offer in light of those events.

Zoe walked through the doors into a quiet waiting area. It was still quite early and she had wanted to come straight here from the airport. Her bags had been taken to her hotel. She headed  for Connies office and sat down at the desk. Logging into the computer she checked her emails. There was one from Zsa Zsa, who Hanssen had told her was an old mentor of Dylan's. She opened it and it was a brief hello, with Dylan's patient files from the clinic attached.

Her hand clasped over her mouth as she read the extent of his injuries. The only positive report in it was that the HIV test was clear. It wasn't the worst rape file she had read however and she took comfort in the fact that Dylan's physical injuries would heal in time. Mentally though she wasn't so sure. He'd already self harmed and had refused to talk to a professional. Sam had said that he had opened up to her a little. She also had told her that he kept shouting for "Jack" whenever he had a nightmare. Zoe was sure that Sam was keeping something else back. She was going to visit them at the clinic and would ask her then.

Zoe felt the jet leg catching up on her and laid down on the sofa for a nap.


Sam woke up lying next to Dylan for the 4th morning in a row. She'd noticed how he had slept better the night they had fallen asleep together in the recovery room. And each night since, she had simply snuggled herself against him. They hadn't kissed again, but they held hands and were more tactile with each other, more so than when they were married.

She wanted to be upset about that but she really couldn't be. She had known what Dylan was like when they first met. He didn't like being touched and what he'd told her about his family the other night, she could understand why now. The people you loved and were loved by betraying you would give you a cynical view of the world.

Sam looked down at Dylan's face. She used to love watching him sleep. His face was really expressive and his mouth would twitch as he slept. Which is what it was doing right now.


Elle knocked on the office door, bringing in two coffees with her. Zoe slowly sat up and looked at the clock. She'd been asleep for two hours.

"Thought you'd might like one of these". Elle handed Zoe a coffee.

"Thanks Elle". Zoe took the coffee from her and took a sip.

"Flight ok?"

"Yes, it wasn't too bad. Um, I'll jump straight in and ask. How many of the team know about Dylan?"

"At the moment it's need to know. Not even Charlie knows"

"Ok, so I'll get the team together and tell them. I'll tell Charlie on his own. Dylan will need all the support he can get when he comes back"

"How is he?"

"I've not seen him yet, but Sam says he refuses to talk about it. And that will be one condition of him coming back that he gets counselling."

Zoe decided not to tell Elle about the self harm just yet.


Elle had gathered everyone in the staff room. Zoe was greeted with hugs. "Now I wish I was here under better circumstances. As you may have worked out, I'll be Connies replacement whilst she is receiving treatment"

The door opened and Robyn walked in followed by Lofty. "Sorry we're late. I thought Lofty should be part of this"

Zoe nodded in understanding. Lofty had been good friends with Dylan. "Right well it's not Connie we're here to talk about. It's Doctor Keogh". Charlie put his hand on her shoulder in support. "I'll just cut to the chase. Dylan was raped over New Year". There were shocked gasps from those in the room that didn't already know. "We don't know who by but we need to put some kind of protection system in to place for him coming back to work"

"Is he ok?"

"Do you really think that the rapist would come here?"

"Physically yes, he's healing up fine. What I need you guys to do is watch out for signs that he's not coping. I have no idea if they would try again. But it's a system we trailed in the states. We check in on each other periodically"

"Like a buddy system?"

"Yes Lofty. We'll each take turns to buddy up with Dylan. He won't be back in a full time role to start with. And we now have Ethan as a consultant so we should manage ok"

"Can we visit him?"

"He's not in Holby at the moment. I'm visiting tomorrow. I don't officially start back here until Monday. I'll let you all know more once I've spoken to him"

Everyone left the staff room except Zoe, Charlie, David, Lofty and Robyn.

"Anything I can do to help? You know where to find me"

"Thanks Lofty. I'm sure Dylan would appreciate a visit"

"We can go at the weekend? Glen was going to go on his own but I think Dylan might like to see Charlotte"

"Yes, just let me know. I best get back upstairs"

Once Lofty and Robyn had left, Zoe told David that she wanted him to work with Dylan the most. "Charlie tells me he gets on really well with you"

"I'm sure he gets on famously with Louise and Robyn"

"You've been supporting him since you and Sam found him. You went to France with him, that must have been an experience?"

"One I'll never forget"


Max was waiting for Zoe when she finally stepped outside. "Why didn't you tell me you were back?"


"It's ok, I know you're here for Dylan"

"I wanted to see you too. I've missed you Max"

"I've missed you too". They hugged each other. "Come to my hotel tomorrow night and we can have dinner. Don't worry, it's informal, nothing fancy"

"Or we could get room service?"

"Oi you. Don't be presumptuous, I've only just got here!". Zoe got into a taxi. "Tomorrow then?"

"Sure". Max smiled as the taxi pulled away. He'd do anything for Zoe.

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