Febuary 27th

51 2 0

Once again, Dylan found himself waking up in an unfamiliar bed. This was the on call room. Sam was lying next to him. They were both okay.


"Sam! What happened? Is Danny...?"

"Unfortunately he's going to be okay"


"He's talking to the police with his dad. They want to speak to us too"

"So no one is expecting us anytime soon then?"

Sam looked down at Dylan as he pulled her head closer for a kiss. He was still naked from the ambulance, not that he particularly cared. Sam was just in her t-shirt and panties.

"I thought I'd just get some sleep whilst you were"

"It's okay Sam". If there was ever going to be the right moment for this it was now. "I love you". Kissing Sam once more he pulled the t-shirt up over her head.

Sam was surprised, but decided to let Dylan take the lead this time, as he cupped her breasts in his hands, his mouth taking in a nipple, as Sam moaned. She reached down towards his cock but he pushed her hand away. "Not yet. I want to kiss you somewhere else first"

Sam grabbed the bedsheets as Dylan licked her clit. Nipping and licking, driving Sam mad. She wanted Dylan right now and had to stop herself from telling him.

Dylan looked up, their eyes meeting, Sam silently pleading for him to ravish her. He smiled. He moved up her body, kissing her as he entered her. They kissed passionately as they moved together, breathy moans filling the room as they climaxed together.

Sam snuggled into Dylan as he stroked her back. "I love you Dylan. I always have done. But I can't go with you because I think this is something you need to do on your own. We can Skype. I'll even come and visit when I'm on leave"

"It's okay Sam. It's only for 6 months. I love you more than anything but I do need to do this"


When Dylan woke up, he went for a shower and put on a set of scrubs. He had decided to leave Sam sleeping. Beautiful Sam. She had broken his heart once and now he'd probably broken hers in return.

"Dylan. Um, Zoe told me you were leaving"

Dylan looked up at David. He hadn't realised he was no longer alone in the staff room.

"Yes, sorry. With everything that's just happened I haven't had chance to catch up with you"

"I can look after Dervla for you no problem"

"I'm beginning to think she likes you more than me"

"She'll always love you Dylan, no matter how far away you are"

"Would that include Sam? Will she still love me when I come back?"

"It's obvious how much Sam loves you. Even if she's not going with you"

"I'm glad she came back to Holby. I don't know how I would have managed without her. Or you and Zoe"


Zack's father was everything Dylan had envisioned him to be. Ruthless, manipulative. But he had agreed to support his son and had given him the choice to come home or start afresh somewhere new.

"I'm going to start college and do that photography course I wanted to do. Think of me when you get married. I can do your photos."

Dylan smiled. "I'd like that. Take care Zack." They hugged.

Zacks dad shook his hand. "Thank you for not pressing charges against him Dr Keogh."

"He's a good kid. Just needs his father to know that he loves him, no matter how different he is."

"I will certainly try. I'll keep you posted on what fate befalls Danny and Jonny. At least with the video evidence, illegal possession of his army issued gun and everything else they've done, they should be locked away for a long time."

Dylan watched them both leave, heading back to the on call room to be with Sam.

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