January 11th

39 2 0

Dylan and Sam were in the middle of a game of chess when Zoe arrived. Zoe had no words when she witnessed before her Dylan going from his normal self, to pained self and to lost self. They stood hugging each other.

"Really good to see you Zoe"

"And you Sam". Dylan let go of Zoe and Sam hugged her. "Whose winning?"

"Not Dylan"

Dylan smiled. "I'm just letting her win"

"Sure you are. Zoe, would you like some lunch? I was just about to go help"

"Sam decided to help out at lunch times. I think she's after cooking lessons personally. She was never a good cook"

"All true. I couldn't cook a meal but I was a pretty good baker"

"Who burns fairy cakes? Oh, Sam?"

Zoe laughed. They were literally like an old married couple. It was good to see them so happy together.

"I'll be back soon". Zoe didn't miss the brush of hands between them as Sam walked by Dylan.

Dylan looked downwards. He knew if he met Zoe's eyes she'd see things and start asking questions. "Fancy a game?"

"You know I can't play chess Dylan. Max was always the master"

"He is indeed"

"You two still play?"

"Sometimes, when he used to drop by the boat if I was watching Rihanna". Dylan's breathing became heavier.

"You ok Dylan?". Zoe got him to sit down. She rubbed his back soothingly.

"The boat...I've not been back since...."

Zoe wondered if anyone had been back to it. "It's ok Dylan. You don't ever have to go back there"

"I miss Dervla"

Zoe made a mental note to ask David to bring Dervla for a visit. "Do you miss work?"

"Yes. Being here is a bit boring"

"You have Sam". Zoe watched Dylan's face light up at the mention of Sam. "Are you two?"

"I'd like to think we are back together but I don't want her back if she's just feeling sorry for what happened to me"

"We all are Dylan"

"Sorry doesn't make the pain go away"

"I know it doesn't"

Dylan sighed. "So you're back here to stay?"

"I'm only here till Connie comes back and I want you working with me"

"Maybe I don't want to come back. Zsa Zsa has asked me to visit her to see if I'd like to work with her"

"You'd really leave Dervla?"

Dylan closed his eyes and cried. Zoe wrapped her arms around him. "I would have died for Dervla. I had an opportunity to escape but I had no idea where they were keeping her. I couldn't risk them hurting her"

"Oh Dylan". One way to get to his heart was his love for Dervla. "She's ok though. They didn't hurt her. David said she looked well fed, so one of them must have looked after her"

"Zack". Dylan smiled at the thought of Zack looking out for Dervla.


"A friend"

"Did he ...?"

Dylan looked pained, his face twisted, not knowing how to answer that. "He did not but we still had sex, under duress obviously. I was afraid they'd kill him if he didn't. I couldn't let that happen, so I let him"

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