January 27th

35 1 0

TW: mentions of past abuse/rape

I don't want a future if you are not in it.

You can be all the things you want to be. You can be a doctor. Anything, but not whilst we're running and hiding. You deserve better and I have to let you go.

You lied to me. You promised. I believed you.

Yeah so did I.

I wanted to be like you. But not anymore. You're nothing but a liar. I wish i'd never met you.

Dylan looked out of the taxi window at the building mocking him. The same building he last saw Sanosi.

"Dylan? You ok?". Lofty could see that Dylan was conflicted.

"I can't go in there"

"Do you want to go back to Davids?"

"No!". Dylan went to open the door again but paused. "I don't know what I want to do"

"Well you need to get out of the taxi while you decide". They both got out, Lofty paying the fare.

"This is where I last saw Sanosi"


"The 12 year old Sudanese boy I trafficked back from France"

"Oh". Lofty knew that there had been something else playing on Dylan's mind when he spoke to him at the clinic. He'd meant to ask Zoe and now felt bad that he hadn't. "Saying goodbye to him must have been difficult"

"It was one of the worst experiences in my life. I let him down. I've let everyone down". Dylan rubbed at the bandage on his hand. It felt good.

"Dylan, you haven't let anyone down"

"But I know I have". Dylan raised his hand up and rubbed at it again. "See, I'm doing it right now. Letting you down"

"Oh Dylan". Lofty hugged Dylan. Dylan hugged him back. "Look we don't have to go in..."

"But I need to get this sorted today."


Dylan and Lofty were shown to the family liaison room. Dylan wondered if Sanosi had been in this room. Had he been as scared as how Dylan felt right now?

Two members of CID entered the room. One looked at Dylan with a hint of recognition, that turned into a smirk as he sat down and read the case notes.

"Doctor Keogh, I'm DCI Anderson and this is DCI Carroll. I'm going to record this if that's ok?"

"Dylan?". Lofty looked at Dylan.


"Ok, you both need to confirm who you are for the record"

"Doctor Dylan Keogh"

"Staff Nurse Ben Chiltern"

"In your own time, can you tell us what happened on Sunday 31st December through to when you were found by your friends on Wednesday 3rd January"

Dylan closed his eyes: I was in the Smokey Mackeral. I got into a fight. Some guy followed me home, broke into the boat and repeatedly raped and drugged me.

Dylan noticed DCI Carroll smirk.

"You're saying it was just one person? We have evidence that there were 3 men involved"

"Three?" Dylan didn't want to tell them about Zack. "No. There were two"

"You just told us there was one person? Which is it Doctor Keogh?"

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