March 28th

33 2 2

Dylan was sat surrounded by his friends in the Hope and Anchor. This wasn't a forever goodbye, so there wasn't to be a big send off. However, Dylan was touched by the amount of people that had either come to wish him luck, or had popped in to wish him well.

Robyn, Glen and David had baked cakes. Their trademark Battenberg and Lemon Drizzle. Someone had made a rather suspicious looking chocolate cake. Dylan suspected that it probably tasted better than it looked. And there was the usual cake that Noel would mess up when piping on the letters. Except this time, it simply said: DYLAN

"You okay grumpy?"

Dylan looked at Sam. It had been a very long time since she'd called him that. "I'm wondering if I'm doing the right thing". Dylan reached for her hand. "I'll miss you"

"I'll miss you more". Sam leaned forward and kissed him. "If you don't do this, you'll always wonder what it would have been like working with Zsa Zsa again. I know she means a lot to you and I hope that being in a different environment will help you. What happened can't ever be forgotten but the time away will help you heal. I will always love you Dylan, whether you're right by my side or a million miles away"


Zoe and Dylan hugged. "This will be goodbye for us again. I'll be back in Michigan by the time you're back"

"Maybe you could come and visit me before you go back?"

"I'm sure that can be arranged. I might even fly over with Sam"

"That would be nice. But you will come to the wedding?"

"Of course. Just let me know when"

"If Sam will still have me again"

"She said yes didn't she?"

Dylan nodded. Twice in his life he'd asked his beautiful Sam to marry him. Both times he had been blessed with her agreement. "She could still change her mind whilst I'm gone"

"I'm sure she won't Dylan. She never once turned her back on you through this. A sure sign of true love"

"Thank you Zoe". They hugged once more.

"How are you getting to the airport?"

"David insisted on driving me in the Land Rover with Sam and Dervla" Dylan looked up recognising the sound of the Land Rover. "And here they are"

David stopped right next to Dylan. "I think I remembered everything"

"David, I only have one bag. That I packed last night and brought with me to work this morning"

"But we had to get you this". David handed Dylan a parcel.

Dylan placed the parcel on a table and opened it. He smiled at the "miss you" poster made by Rihanna and Charlotte. There was a scrapbook inside filled with photos of his friends, photos of Dervla and a drawing of Dervla made by Rihanna. A single tear trickled down Dylan's face. Sam hugged him.

"There's something from me in there as well. For when you are really missing me"

Dylan smiled, "I got you something too. Iain has it, for when you are missing me"

David drove them to the airport, Dervla riding shot gun. He pretended not to see Dylan and Sam kissing in the back seat from the wing mirror.

A/N: I majorly feel that these last chapters were a bit rubbish. Maybe even rushed. But it's been almost a year since I last updated and only two chapters I hadn't actually finished. Until now.

There will be a sequel at some point. That was pretty much planned. I'm not sure when I'll make a start on it. I'd love to finish off Love Box and war-torn first.

Thank you to everyone that has liked/left kudos, left comments or DM'd me. I appreciate it.

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