February 26th Pt4

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Dylan locked eyes with Sam as soon as he found her. She shook her head, her eyes pleading with him to turn around and go. Dylan could never abandon her like that. Not again.

"I love you", she whispered.

"Oh how fucking sweet. Little missy loves you. I'm going to fuck you in front of her. Then she'll see how much you enjoy my cock"

Dylan knew he had to be brave. For Sam. Danny grabbed hold of him, holding a knife.

"No heroics now, my doctor"

Sam could see the anguish on Dylan's face.

"Where's Zack?"

"He's with me, brother" Danny looked up surprised.

"Jonny, I told you to stay out of this."

"I'm not going to let you hurt anyone anymore. You've gone too far this time"

Danny just laughed, throwing the knife aside and reaching behind him. The room fell silent as he pulled out a gun. "We'll see about that. You and Zack over there"

Dylan watched as Zack slowly made his way to the sofa. He could tell he was in pain. "Danny, can I take a look at Zack?"

"I'm not letting you near him. You're mine. Not hers. Not his. MINE!"

"He might die"

"Then I'll take that risk. We all die eventually. And you'll all die right here unless you do exactly as I say"

Dylan closed his eyes trying to think. He knew he'd do something stupid if he looked at Sam or Zack. He looked at Jonny as he opened his eyes. Jonny was watching him. He was blinking his eyes in succession. Morse code.

Sam had noticed too and was appalled at what Jonny wanted Dylan to do. Play along with Danny, I have your back. Every time Dylan had done that he'd ended up hurt. She didn't want to see him hurt again, but she couldn't do anything bound to the chair like she was.

Dylan replied back to Jonny with affirmation. He was doing this for Sam now. The only person he'd ever loved. "Where do you want me?"

"Undress and on the desk. But first, I'm giving you this". Danny pulled out a vial.

Dylan frowned. He really didn't want to be drugged up right now. "I'll behave. You don't need to give me drugs. I will freely give you what you want"

"If you're lying, little missy will be the first to die"

Dylan nodded. He unbuttoned his shirt first, moving his hands straight to his belt buckle. Unfastening his trousers, he pushed them down as he toed off his shoes. He looked up at Danny, who was mesmerised by the sight of Dylan stood before him. Shirt undone and in boxers.

"You are beautiful. My doctor. I've wanted to tell you that since our first time together" Danny leant in to kiss Dylan meeting only a momentarily pause before Dylan kissed back.

Dylan could taste the stale cigarettes on Danny's breath, a reminder of his childhood. Of his uncle. His right hand began tapping on the desk. He didn't want to remember what happened. His mind must have suppressed those memories for a reason. Dylan's breathing became laboured.

"Danny, please stop!"

"Why the fuck would I want to do that little missy?"

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