January 2nd

51 1 0

TW: Graphic description of rape, dubious consent and drug use. You have been warned!

"So what's it to be Zachary? Are you going to fuck your Doctor? Or are you going to let me finish him off?"

"I don't want to fuck him"

"I was hoping you'd say that". Jonny grabbed Zack and escorted him into the bedroom. "I'm going to make you sit and watch this". Danny grabbed a syringe and pressed it into Zacks neck.

Dylan was in a cold sweat again. He wanted more drugs to take the edge of.

"Hey, I thought you said he'd be drugged up?"

"I never said that Zachary. I said he was kinda fun on drugs. Having second thoughts?"

Dylan tried pushing Danny away as he moved closer. "No, no more", he cried. Danny sat on the bed pushing Dylan to his knees.

Jonny joined them, standing next to the bed, pulling Dylan backwards onto his cock. "You see Zachary, this would have been so much better for your Doctor if you'd have just simply done that one thing for him and FUCKED him. Oh, me and Jonny had this planned anyway, for our finale and he was supposed to be all drugged up to enjoy us both. But you Zachary had to go and SPOIL it. So now we are here, both about to fuck his brains out, completely aware of what's happening. The pain of having two cocks inside him, splitting him in half. The pain of needing another fix. The shame and humiliation because we are fucking filming this, like we've filmed everything we've done to him. Thanks to you. And your poncy camera you insist on taking everywhere"

Zack could no longer hold back the tears. He sobbed even more when he heard Dylan say: Zack, this is not your fault. I don't blame you at all.

"Aww, isn't that so fucking sweet. Your Doctor doesn't blame you. Not right now. But he will do. When he wishes he'd never fucking met you. You're a freak Zack"

Dylan felt a sudden rage and managed to fight off Jonny, who was totally absorbed in the exchange between Zack and his brother. Danny had a much quicker reflex and hit Dylan across his shoulders, winding him.

"Nice try. I would punish you...in fact", Danny reached into his shirt pocket and pulled out a cock ring. "I was saving this for you Zachary but it seems kinda fitting making your Doctor wear it". Danny held onto Dylan whilst Jonny placed the cock ring on Dylan. Danny looked down. "Put his balls in as well". He was delighted with the look on Dylan's face. "There's that frown again". He kissed Dylan, fucking his mouth with his tongue. He looked down at Dylan's cock again. "Looking good". He slapped Dylan's arse. "Where were we?".

Jonny lined himself up with Dylan again and pushed himself in. Danny followed suit. Dylan cried out in pain as he felt like he was being torn to pieces.

"Your Doctor feels so good, doesn't he Jonny?"

"Yeah man. I can understand why you want to keep him"

"I still might". He nipped at Dylan's ear. He hated to admit that he'd become obsessed with Dylan. He loved the sarcastic nature of the man. That he was willing to undergo all this for the sake of a dog. And Zack. Dylan was like a jigsaw puzzle to him. There were pieces missing and he wanted the complete picture.

Dylan went to touch himself but Danny held his arms back. "No you don't. I want you begging for release"

Dylan sobbed. The brothers were constantly hitting his prostrate and he really needed to come, but the cock ring and lack of friction meant his cock was painfully engorged.

Danny nipped at Dylan's ear again and whispered "beg me, beg for release"


Jonny came with a satisfying grunt. Danny stopped for a moment. "Jonny, fetch me that tie and bind his hands for me". He grabbed Dylan firmly on the hips and positioned them both so there would be no mistaking it was Dylan being fucked.

Danny continued his relentless assault on Dylan. Dylan still refused to beg.

"You know when you do eventually come, it will be the best orgasm you've ever had"

"Is this an attempt to make me beg?", Dylan spat.

Danny nipped at his ear again and whispered "you're so fucking hot when you do that. I'm going to come for you at work and fuck you senseless because you're gonna miss my cock. You won't realise it at first, but you will miss it, filling you up. I'll let you decide where I'll fuck you, but fuck you I will"

"You wouldn't dare. Have you forgotten that I work in a hospital?"

"Fighting talk. I don't fucking care. I'll fuck you where I want, over a desk if I have to, in a lift, in a cupboard. I'm sure you'll think of somewhere".

Danny felt himself getting closer. He touched Dylan's cock, giving him momentary relief. Dylan grunting when Danny touched his balls. He moaned as Danny took his hand away. "Still not going to beg?"

"Please Danny. I really need to come"

"That's my sweet sexy Doctor" he whispered into Dylan's ear. "Come for me". Danny bit Dylan on the neck as he stroked Dylan's cock in time with his own thrusts both coming together in multiple orgasms.

They collapsed together in a sweaty heap on the bed. "What did I tell you? Best fucking orgasm ever". He leant over and kissed Dylan. Dylan was too shocked to put up any resistance.

Breaking The SilenceOpowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz