January 22nd

38 2 0

As first days back at work went, Dylan's was going well. He had an appointment with Ben Harding before his shift began. Dylan refused to talk about what happened. He'd still only broached the subject with Sam, Zoe, David and also Lofty.

Dylan watched as Sam and Iain came crashing through the doors with a patient, Elle taking over with Robyn as they headed for Resus. He hated not being able to get into the thick of things. Working cubicles only, and not complaining about it, was only for Zoe's sake. Well, his too because there was no way he'd be allowed back if he didn't follow Zoe's orders for the next four weeks.

Dylan was so lost in his thoughts he hadn't noticed that Sam and Iain were on the way out of the ED until Sam held his hand "you ok?" Dylan nodded. "I'll see you at lunchtime". Sam kissed his cheek, which hadn't gone unnoticed by a few colleagues.

Iain being one. "You two back together again?"

She rolled her eyes but smiled. "I'd like us to be but for now we're just very good friends"

"That happened to be married not so long ago. You were the one to file for divorce were you not? What changed?"

"Nothing changed Iain. I've always loved him. I just had to let him go because I didn't want to hurt him again. I loved Tom don't get me wrong. Dylan, despite most people thinking he has no feelings, is the most expressive man I've ever met. You just need to look in the right place. I was glad that I came back here. I was glad that despite me pushing him away, he was willing to lie for me to Connie. The spark then was duller. Now it's completely gone"

Iain hugged Sam when they arrived back at the ambulance. "I'm sure everything will be fine"


Dylan was just about to collect another patient from the waiting area when Noel waved a small package at him.

"Doc....Dylan. This came for you last week"

"Thank you Noel". Dylan pocketed the package. It hadn't gone unnoticed by him that everyone had stopped referring to him by his title.

"Are you and Sam back together? I couldn't help notice that she kissed you"

Dylan had been waiting for someone to say something, although his money had been on Louise. "We are not. Just old friends looking out for one another"


Dylan was on his lunch break, waiting for Sam to join him. They hadn't spent that much time together since they'd left the clinic, and Dylan missed her.

Sitting down with a cup of tea, Dylan remembered the package in his pocket. He ripped it open and pulled out a box. Taking the lid of, there was a note at the top.

I want you to be wearing this the next time I see you.

Dylan recoiled at what was inside the box, that it fell and rolled towards Rash, who had just come into the staff room. Rash picked it up and held it out to Dylan. "Did you drop this?"

Dylan took it out of Rashs hand and fled upstairs, finding solitude in a cupboard.


Sam arrived in the staff room to find Rash and David chatting. Dylan's lunch and tea were on the table. "Have you guys seen Dylan? We were supposed to be having lunch together"

"He was here about 10 minutes ago. He had dropped a curtain ring and I picked it up and gave it to him and he ran off upstairs"

"Why would Dylan have a curtain ring? He doesn't own any curtains?"

"We need to find him"


Dylan went to throw the package away when he noticed there was a neck cord enclosed. He attached the cock ring to it, put it over his head and tucked it under his shirt. He lent against the cupboard door and slid to the floor in tears.


Sam, David and Rash had split up in their search for Dylan. Sam heard the sound of Dylan crying coming from a cleaners cupboard.
She tried to open the door but realised that Dylan was right on the other side of it. "Dylan? I'm here for you".

"Go away Sam. You don't need someone broken like me"

"That's not true. You're not broken Dylan. You are just lost and I want to help you find your way again. Whether that's tomorrow, next week or years to come, I'll be here waiting"

After a few minutes Dylan opened the door and hugged Sam, breathing her in, kissing her lips.

Breaking The SilenceOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora