February 2nd Pt1

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Zoe had gone to Greggs as promised buying Dylan all his favourites as a peace offering. She was surprised to see he wasn't lying in the bed with Sam and assumed he'd gone to the bathroom. And then she remembered he had a catheter in. Yes, the catheter stand had been abandoned and he'd unhooked himself from the monitor. Zoe touched Sam gently. "Do you know where Dylan has gone?"

Sam looked to where Dylan had been and then at Zoe in confusion. Where was the police officer that was supposed to keep an eye on the room? Zoe hadn't seen anyone this morning. Alerting security, she asked them to keep an eye out for Dylan and to look on CCTV.

Sam came back from the bathroom empty handed.

"He wouldn't have gone far in a gown surely?"

"I'll check the Consultants office". Sam ran down the corridor. His coat was gone. Sam's phone rang. It was Iain. Dylan had "stolen" an RRV.

"Where on earth would he go Zoe?" Sam was panicking. "Could it be Danny back for him?"

Zoe spotted David's bum bag in the bin. Retrieving it she held it up. "David. He's gone to David's"


Dylan pulled up outside David's house. He hoped he wasn't too late as he ran bare foot to the door. He reached into his pocket and pulled out the key. "David!"

He heard a noise from upstairs and went up, vision blurry. Dylan stood there for a minute until he could focus. He could hear David crying and made it to the bathroom in time to see David emptying his pills away into the toilet. "What happened to me wasn't your fault David"

David just stared back, tears streaming down his face. "I don't believe you"

"I knew it was Danny. I could have walked away. But I didn't"

"I could see you weren't quite yourself. I should have got you out of there"

"And the end result would have been the same. He told me he was going to come to the ED. I just never thought he actually would. I don't really care about what happens to me but I care about you. Zsa Zsa. Zoe. Robyn. Glen. Charlotte. Rihanna. Max. Hazel. Lofty. Sam, who I love with all my heart. And even though I hardly know him, I care about Zack. He reminds me of myself. We both have bad relationships with our fathers but he's so hopeful for the future like I was. My guilty pleasure was whiskey. Zack's? I'm still unsure"

"So Danny would have threatened you anyway?"

"I believe so. He said he had Zack in the boot of his car and showed me a picture on his phone"

"When I went into the bathroom.... you were having a panic attack?" Dylan nodded. "Was he?......please tell me the truth"

"Yes", whispered Dylan.

"I can't feel a thing on these. I can be a better friend to you if I don't take them"

"David. You are a good friend. Maybe I don't show you as much as I should do. I was glad to have you with me in France and I'm glad you're here for me now. How long have you not been taking them?"

"Since yesterday"

"Good". Dylan hugged him, taking David by surprise. And bringing him back to reality when he realised Dylan was only wearing the hospital gown and his coat.

"Did you escape for me?". Dylan smirked. "You'll have them worried you've been kidnapped"

"You'll have to bring me back then"

"I'll just get ready. I take it you found my bum bag?"

"In the bin"

David's phone rang. "It's Sam. Do you want to speak to her?"

"Sam....I'm ok........sorry..........it was urgent.......no, it's between me and David..........oh you found it...........no I couldn't wait.......sorry........tell Iain sorry..........yes I drove bare foot.........it's just like that time when I drove the Land Rover.......sorry.........David will be driving.......oh I forgot about that........I have shoes here........and clothes...........I forgot that I was staying here.........I love you too"

Dylan handed David back his phone. "I guess I can be a little wreckless at times"

"How did you get here?"

"I stole an RRV". They both laughed.


"I'm going to phone David". Reaching into her pocket she pulled out her phone and dialled David's number. "David, please tell me Dylan is with you?!"

"Dylan!.....don't ever do that again?.....I was worried about you......I could have helped......I found his bum bag.....couldn't you wait for me?.......I thought you'd been kidnapped.....you stole an RRV.....you had no shoes......you silly man.....don't say anything more!......I'm coming to get you.....he's not insured Dylan......you can't drive barefoot again......and clothes.....Just come back to me in one piece, I love you"

Sam looked at Zoe as she pocketed her phone. "They're on their way back"

"Should he even be driving?"

"You know what Dylan's like, he'd say we're fussing. If he thought he couldn't manage he'd have said so"

"Shall we grab a coffee and wait for them downstairs?"

"Yes, but I'm taking these steak bakes. Just tell Dylan they didn't have any"


Dylan and David drove back in silence. Sam came running over. "Don't ever frighten me like that again!"

"I'm..." Dylan didn't get to finish what he was saying as Sam was kissing him. He kissed her back.

Aware that several pairs of eyes were upon them, they pulled apart laughing. "Lets get you back inside"

"Only if you promise we can continue where we left off?". Sam nodded and took Dylan's hand. Maybe they would get their happy ending after all?

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