February 26th Pt3

22 2 0

Sam was waiting with Zack when the taxi taking him to the clinic pulled up. Sam opened the door and helped Zack inside. She was then pushed from behind and onto the floor of the taxi. Sam couldn't see who it was that climbed in behind her but she knew it was Danny by the look of fear on Zacks face.

Danny handed a piece of paper to the cabbie with an address. "And who does this pretty face belong to?

Sam winced in pain as she was pulled up by her hair. She spat in Danny's face.

"You're going to regret that little missy. You see with every action you take against me, I'll destroy you piece by piece"

"You don't scare me Danny"

"Fighting talk by the little missy! You remind me of my doctor so much. He'll be here to join us soon enough"

Sam wanted to scream out a "no!". Fortunately, her army training kicked in. What to do in a hostage situation. She was determined to not give Danny what he wanted though.

"I thought you loved him, little missy? Do you not want to save the man you love?". Sam just stared blankly at Danny. "Answer me!", he said in anger.

"If you hurt her, he won't do what you ask"

"You should be thankful that I'm not into women little missy. If my doctor was here, I'd have my cock buried inside him by now"

Despite her training, Sam felt sick. Knowing what Danny was capable of, what he still had planned for Dylan. "How can I save him?"

Danny smiled. He honestly had no idea how this woman could save his doctor. He knew of their love for each other. Maybe that was all she needed to do. To love his doctor. But his doctor was his and he didn't want to share him with anyone.

The taxi stopped outside an old warehouse. Sam was dragged outside and taken into the building by Danny. Zack told the cabbie to go back to the hospital to pick up 2 more people.


Dylan was running late to see Zack off. Fortunately Sam had been able to wait with him. He didn't want Zack left on his own. However, he'd wondered why they hadn't waited for him as he stood outside cursing himself.

A taxi pulled up just as a man stood uncomfortably close to him.

"Dr Keogh. I strongly suggest you get into the taxi if you want to see Sam again"

Dylan's eyes widened in shock. He thought he recognised the voice of the man who had stood next to him. Jonny, Danny's brother. "If he hurts her....". Dylan hadn't meant to shout.

"Shut up and get in"

Max had looked up hearing Dylan raise his voice. He watched a reluctant Dylan get inside the waiting taxi. Iain saw the exchange from the ambulance and shouted for Max to get in.

"Has Danny got Sam?"

"I believe so"

Iain radioed in that they were following a taxi and he wanted police back up. Max left Zoe a message to say what was happening.


Jonny realised they were being followed by the ambulance. Torn between doing what his brother wanted and the right thing, he asked the cabbie to change destination and stop at the station.

"As soon as we stop Dr Keogh, I want you to get out as quickly as you can, get into another cab and give them this address". Jonny handed Dylan a slip of paper. "Give me your phone, I can't have you letting anyone know where you're going"

"I don't have one that I can use, so don't carry it around with me"

Jonny wouldn't have believed Dylan if he hadn't already seen what a technophobe he was from being on his boat.


Dylan got out of one taxi and went straight into another. If he hadn't been worried about Sam he would have made a joke about being in a Bond movie to the cabbie. He pushed the thoughts of Sam being his Bond girl out of his mind.

He did remember the smartphone he'd been given by Sam and spent the taxi ride trying to work out how to switch it on. Getting out of the cab he noticed the building stood before him was an abandoned warehouse.

Dylan had managed to switch the phone on and take a photo of himself. He shook his head. If he could Skype Dervla on an iPad, surely he could use an iPhone? Contacts. His work colleagues. He quickly typed out a message and sent it to Zoe.


Iain and Max followed the taxi unaware that it had stopped long enough for Dylan to make a swap.

Jonny laughed as the ambulance followed him and not Dylan. His little plan had worked. He'd give Danny more time before he'd let the cavalry arrive.


"There's been a slight change of plan. It seems that your paramedic friend was following my doctor. Fortunately, my brother was gifted the brains in our family. My doctor is on his way here alone"

Sam winced as Danny tied her legs and body to a chair. She had hoped that Dylan would have been spared all this. That he'd got stuck into some wonderful diagnosis that would have kept him safely inside the ED. But, there was nowhere safe from Danny.


"I think they're onto us Max. We've been going around in circles for the last twenty minutes"

Iain pulled over to the side of the road. He looked at his phone as it beeped, as did Max. A text and a selfie from Dylan.

Zoe, Sam and I have been kidnapped. Might not make it out alive. It's been nice knowing you either way. If I don't make it, tell Sam that I've always loved her. There's never been anyone else. Except Dervla. Please look after them both for me.

The photo had obviously been taken by mistake but Iain knew exactly where Dylan was.

"The old industrial estate". He and Max both said in unison.

##3006 to control. Possible casualties on the old industrial estate. Police assistance required##

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