January 31st Pt3

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The scan reveals that Dylan has a cerebral contusion (bruising to the brain) "We'll need to keep him in overnight for observation but he should be fine". Zoe's definition of the word fine had certainly changed since becoming a Doctor.

"I'm staying with him"

"I don't think anyone could keep you away Sam". Zoe smiled as Sam held Dylan's hand. She knew it wouldn't be an easy road for them but was glad that they had been given this opportunity to be together again. Like herself and Max.


Glen and Max took Dylan upstairs. With Sam.

"I hope they catch the bastard. I make no apologies for my language by the way"

"You're only saying out loud what we're all thinking"

"I'm thinking worse than that Max. I better let Zsa Zsa know what's happened. She'd never forgive me if I didn't let her know"

"Thanks Glen. I'm sure Dylan will appreciate it"

Dylan had his own room. As soon as Glen and Max left, Sam climbed onto the bed with Dylan, careful not to disturb the wires connecting him to the monitor.

Sam didn't care what the nurses thought of her. She never wanted to leave Dylan again.


Zoe's staff meeting had been interrupted by the police. The boot of Danny's car had been empty but they had found an envelope addressed to "Doctor Keogh". Inside were photos of Dylan taken outside, obviously walking due to the slight camera shake. There were also photos of Dervla on the boat. A USB stick was also inside. Zoe looked in horror at what was playing on the screen. She felt sick as PC Wilkinson closed the window on the computer. "I'm sorry, that was the first time anyone has seen that"

Zoe nodded. She was too shocked to say anything. Dylan's 3 days of hell whittled down to a 3 minute video.

"If it's any consolation, this evidence may mean that it won't go to court. We can see who assaulted him. We have names from the interview Doctor Keogh made. We'll also be looking at the CCTV for today. We had our forensics team in the bathroom and the cubicle getting any evidence. The car has been impounded. I'm certain we will find them"

Zoe wasn't so sure. Would it be that easy? This Danny seemed to be quite formidable. And completely obsessed with Dylan. The only thing she was immediately concerned with was whether he'd be back or not.

"We'll keep a police officer outside Doctor Keoghs room overnight. I'll be back tomorrow for a statement and from any colleagues that have any additional information"

"I'll be asking them myself how this happened"

"I think Doctor Keogh is keeping important information from us"

"What makes you say that?"

"He told us there were two men involved. There were clearly three men in the video. Witnesses outside today heard him shout out two names. Sam, his wife. And Zack. Zack wasn't one of the names he gave us in his interview"

"He told me about Zack. They were forced to have sex. I'll make sure that everyone who has spoken to him since....all this....speaks to you tomorrow. Something we should have done before now. I'm sure there are people he feels more comfortable in divulging information with"

"Yes, I'd like to speak to Nurse Chiltern who came with him to the interview. I get the feeling that Doctor Keogh trusts him. It couldn't have been easy for him to talk about what happened"

"Yes, Lofty helped Dylan with his OCD. They became good friends until Lofty left"

"He's lucky to have you all for support. I've seen far too many people in the same situation with no support"

Zoe had to agree with that. If anything, Michigan had taught her that life was cruel with no support network. Dylan was one of the lucky ones.

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