February 2nd Pt2

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Dylan was unimpressed that he had to put a gown back on and be hooked up to the monitor again. The only thing that stopped him complaining was the Greggs that Zoe had got him. Minus the steak bakes that Sam and Zoe had eaten. "You should be lucky we left you anything after doing a runner"

"I'd rather be doing you". Sam looked at Dylan and saw the surprise on his face when he'd realised what he said. "Um..sorry....that kind of just.....Freudian slip"

"I don't think it was Dylan. I want you too. But not here"

"You know Zsa Zsa is flying home on Sunday? She wants to take us all out for an early dinner tomorrow?"

"Are we secretly arranging a date?"

"It's no one else's business no. But I thought we could do something after? After dinner?"

Sam put her arms around Dylan's neck. "I hope you're thinking the same thing I am Dr Keogh"


PC Wilkinson and her colleague arrived promptly at 3pm. Dylan still didn't want to talk about any of this and had refused to do so in his room. So the four of them were sat in the Consultants office. Dylan avoided eye contact with everyone. Sam took his hand. She had told him if he felt frightened or unsure to squeeze hers and she'd ask them to take a break.

"Dylan, can you tell me what happened with Danny?"

Dylan closed his eyes and reopened them. "Zoe had called us, David and me that is, into her office. A patient was asking to be seen by a male doctor. Not uncommon at all but Zoe was concerned because of where the injury was. I of course was not happy. I'm a doctor, I can't pick and choose who I see. As soon as I entered the cubicle I knew it was him. Danny. I didn't want to be left alone with him but I sent David out because I knew Danny would do something. I didn't want to see David hurt. He made me....." Dylan felt Sam gently rubbing his hand ".....give him a blow job"

"Is this when your panic attack started?"

Dylan nodded. "I had to get away. The bathroom wasn't exactly the best place when I had the whole hospital. He followed me in after a few minutes. I just let him drag me into a cubicle like I let him push me into my bedroom on the boat. I let him. I didn't fight back"

Sam spoke. "Dylan, you didn't let him do anything. Did you tell him no?"

"I did. More than once"

"Then you did fight back. Not physically, but I don't think either time you were in a position to do so"

"Leaving me open and weak?" Dylan looked at Sam. "I do wonder what you ever saw in me?"

"The same man I see now"


"Sorry. A little off topic"

"I like Topics"

PC Wilkinson laughed. "So do I Dylan"

"He made me tell David I was okay. He told me Jonny would set off the fire alarm if he hadn't heard from him in 30 minutes. He made me wear the cock ring he'd sent me in the post. He did that to me on the boat. He and Jonny. Together....." Dylan cried. Sam put her arms around him. "They punished Zack by both raping me at the same time. They didn't drug me. I remember Zack was crying. I didn't care about my pain. Only his". Dylan's breathing became laboured.

"Dylan breathe it out. It's okay"


"We'll take a break?". Sam nodded to PC Wilkinson and mouthed a thank you.



"I can't even talk about it when I want to"

"It's okay. Just concentrate on what happened here"

"But it's reminding me of what happened on the boat! I can't do this Sam"

"Yes you can Dylan. I'm here for you, never forget that"


"Ready to continue?"

Dylan nodded. "Danny wouldn't stop unless I begged him to. He showed me photos of Zack on his phone. He was definitely tied up in a car boot. When he was done he left me. I went outside and well, you know the rest"

"How did you meet Zack?"

"In the pub"

"The Smokey Mackerel?"

"Yes. I'd got into a fight. He helped me afterwards. He invited me to a club with his friends. I didn't go but we both went for a walk. He stopped for chips and we sat down whilst he ate them. It cleared my head a bit. Zack mentioned he wanted to go to college and do Photography. He had a camera and took photos of me. He mentioned his father wouldn't be happy with him coming home late. Being the start of a new year, new things I invited him back to the boat"

"We'd only been on the boat a few minutes when Danny and Jonny broke in. Zack was clearly afraid of them as he tried hiding behind Dervla. My dog. Danny threatened to hurt Dervla if I didn't do what they said. When we were alone, I told Zack to escape but he refused to. Then we were forced to have sex. I let him. He fled the room in tears afterwards"

"I vaguely remember he was in the room when I was drugged. I thought about escaping myself....." Dylan closed his eyes "and because he refused to rape me, they made him watch as they both...."

"It's okay Dylan...."

"No it's not okay. I told him I didn't blame him for what happened. I still don't. It's Danny. Zack is afraid of him"

"Do you think Danny will be back?"

"I know he'll be back for me." Dylan squeezed Sams hand tight "His last words were: Don't forget Doctor Keogh. You're mine"


"As I'm sure you're aware Dr Hanna, your staff will need to be extra vigilant. Will Dr Keogh still be on short days when he starts back again?"

"Yes, for two more weeks he will be"

"We believe Danny will be back. Unless we find him first that is. The address he gave was to a building site"

"And even if he gave us his real name?"

"Highly unlikely. He seems like an intelligent man"

"That's what worries me the most. He won't stop until he gets what he wants"

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