February 1st Pt2

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"Mrs Ke....actually, you're not married. You're divorced?"

"That's right. I still love him though"

"I'm not questioning that"

"It just felt so natural, so right to tell them at SARC and the clinic that I was his wife"

"And us?". PC Wilkinson smiled. "It's ok. You were doing what you thought best for him. Did you suspect this Danny would come back?"

"No. Dylan never mentioned him. Only Zack, who he made quite clear wasn't the one who raped him"

"Why do you think he started drinking?"

"Because I came back into his life? It was me that pushed for divorce. I knew he still loved me. I still loved him but I wanted him to be free and live his life. I saw things in the Army that have changed me. Changed my outlook on life. We lost a baby on my first tour, Dylan began drinking again, I cheated on him"

"I see from his file that he'd been suspended for drinking on duty at his last hospital. I take it he has a history of alcohol abuse?"

"I suspect so. He certainly was good at hiding it before we lived together. I told him I wouldn't marry him if he didn't get sober. I didn't want our children growing up with an alcoholic for a father. That shocked him into sobering up. I guess his own father drank. I never did meet him"

"Brian wasn't a nice man. What father would call his own son a freak?" Zoe looked up at PC Wilkinson apologetically.

"The same one that didn't realise his nephews had raped his son?"

PC Wilkinson flicked through Dylan's file. "There's no mention of that?"

"It was never reported. Dylan only told me at the clinic. He was 14 and just thought it was sex. His mum was a nurse and stopped him from seeing his cousins again"

"Is his mum still alive?"

"No. She committed suicide after his dad walked out on them when Dylan was 15. She hadn't taken it well. Dylan ended up in care"


David looked in on Dylan, who was sleeping. The nurse looked up at him and motioned for him to come in. David stuck his head through the door. "Sit with him for a bit". David reluctantly walked into the room and sat down.

"I'm sorry Dylan. When you mentioned Danny in your nightmares I should have realised....." David unclipped his bum bag and threw it into the bin. He wouldn't be needing his medication now.


"Dr Hanna, it's safe to say that you have known Dylan for a long time. You survived a fire together? That must have been intense?"

"The fire or surviving Dylan all these years?"

"He sounds like he might be trouble. Sorry, that's a bit unproffessional of me"

"It's fine. He's a very good friend and we've survived a fire twice now"

"Twice? Here in the ED and?"

"My wedding. His boat blew up. I nearly drowned"

"I think we've spoken to everyone we wanted to see. Except for Dr Keogh, but we'll come back tomorrow at 3pm. Thank you for your time Dr Hanna"

"No problem"

Zoe watched as PC Wilkinson and her colleague left her office. Charlie popped his head in. "Finally finished?"

"They just need to speak to Dylan tomorrow. I've not seen him since yesterday"

"Why not go up now? We're managing okay here"

"Thank you Charlie. I will do"


Dylan was being grumpy, picking at the food he'd been given for dinner. "If someone doesn't bring me a Greggs tomorrow, I'm discharging myself"

Zsa Zsa and Sam smiled. Dylan's memory was returning, although he hadn't spoken about what had happened the day before. He knew he was staying with David and much to Sam's relief, he'd remembered they'd divorced. Well not relief as such, as she wondered if Dylan had remembered the little things that had happened between them since he'd been found on the boat. She didn't need to worry. Dylan still looked at her like he'd done the previous day. Still held her hand. Still kissed her. Still worried that he was too broken for her.

"I'll make sure to get you a Greggs on my way in tomorrow then" Zoe said, giving Dylan a hug as she sat down. "Have they said when they're letting you out?"

"I told them to keep him here till Saturday". Dylan looked at Zsa Zsa frowning. "I can see you frowning De-De. If I had my way, you'd be back at the clinic. I thought being in familiar surroundings would be better for you"

"It's only two nights Dylan. I've let David know he's got two nights off" Sam was selfishly glad to have Dylan for herself for two nights.

Dylan looked at Sam. David had been here. Had spoken to him when he thought Dylan had been asleep. He couldn't remember what he'd said though. "It'll be Sam's turn to keep me awake with the snoring then"

"Oi you!". Sam playfully smacked his hand.

"David a snorer?"

"I hardly slept in France. I think I keep him awake now though. Worrying about me and blaming himself for what happened"

"Yes and after yesterday...." Zoe stopped when she realised Dylan had curled in on himself, burying his face between the pillow and Sam. "I'm sorry Dylan. The police want to speak to you tomorrow"

"I'll be there with you" Sam said stroking his hair.

"I'm done with speaking about it. What's done is done"

"Zack wasn't in the car" Dylan looked up worried. "For his sake, just tell them about him"

Like a petulant child, Dylan sat up in anger, pushing the dinner tray onto the floor. "I don't want to"


Dylan refused to speak to anyone for the rest of the night. Reaching for Sams hand when she climbed into the bed behind him he spoke. "I'll tell them about Zack if they ask"

Sam kissed him goodnight.

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