January 19th

37 1 0

Today was the day Dylan was finally leaving the clinic and going back home to Holby. He was happy enough to be getting away from here. To start living his life again.

"Ready to go?"

"Sam, before I forget. Thank you for being here for me. It means a lot"

Sam kissed his cheek. "You would have done the same". It was true, Dylan would have given anything for her. Done anything for her. He still would and had done so the day she arrived back into his life a few months ago. Before he had confided in his old friend. Or his old nemesis? He wasn't so sure now. That warmth, that strength it gave him, however short term. The euphoric feeling that washed over him, numbing the pain, making him forget. If only for a little while.


Arriving at David's house, Dylan, with Sam's help, took his things up to Ollies bedroom. Dylan smiled at all the mod cons in the room. He'd never had his own TV as a child, not even as a teen. How times had changed.

"We took the liberty of buying you some new clothes. David said he'd hung them up in the wardrobe".

Dylan nodded. Nobody had been back to the boat. He'd arranged with Lofty to meet here in the morning but the more he thought about going back, Dylan realised he would have to face the reality of what happened. He wasn't so sure that he had the strength to do that.

"You ok?". Sam's voice. "Dylan?". She walked over to him, placing a hand on his. He looked up at her and nodded. "Don't forget we're making dinner tonight".

Dylan smiled. "Fortunately for David, it's only pasta"

"Oi you!". Sam looked at him. Those eyes. They had lost the sparkle that was once there, when they had first met when she was just an F1. The sparkle that made her fall in love with him, spend the rest of her life with him. She still did. She loved him more than anything. These weeks at the clinic together, being referred to as Dylan's wife, Sam wanted that life with him again.


David arrived home with Dervla in tow. She was pleased to see Dylan. Sam and David left the pair to catch up. Sam checking on the pasta bake in the oven.

"David, I forgot to say when you volunteered to have Dylan stay. He has nightmares. Sometimes they are not too bad. I found he didn't have them so often when I was lying next to him"

David nodded in understanding. "It's fine Sam. I can leave my sleeping bag in the room just in case"

"You're a good friend David"

"He's helped me more than once. Kept me right and never judged me. We did have a difference of opinion over Sanosi. But he did what was best for him in the end"

"He knows he did. Deep down. He loved that boy, even if he won't admit it to anyone. Dinner will be ready in 5 minutes if you need to get ready?"

"I'll be back in a jiffy"


Dinner was pleasant enough and edible! David talked about his day. It had been a quiet shift by all accounts.

Sam reluctantly said her goodbyes to Dylan. This was the first time, since she and David had found him on the boat, that they wouldn't be together. A few years ago, spending time with her ex like this would have been unimaginable. They had argued a lot. And now those arguments seemed so ridiculous.


Dylan smiled at the pyjamas that had been bought for him. Flannelette ones. With super hero characters on them. Definitely not what he would have chosen, preferring something plainer.

David knocked on the door. "I'm just across the hall if you need me"

"Thank you David" He watched as David left him. Feeling slightly nervous at making a fool of himself. But it was David. A good friend. Dylan hugged himself as he lay in the bed. He'd done this as a child when he'd been anxious about something. He drifted off to his nightmare...

Doctor Keogh, will you be a good boy for me?

No, get off me!

I will never let you go. You're mine. I'm coming for you!

No, please no...

David woke up with a start. He could hear Dylan talking, pleading to his nightmare. He got out of bed and went into Ollies room. Dylan's face was scrunched up as if he was in pain. He was sobbing between cries of "please no" and "I don't want this".

David picked up the sleeping bag, got his bottom half inside and laid down behind Dylan, wrapping one arm around his friend. Leaning on his elbow, he stroked Dylan's hair soothingly, like he'd once done with Ollie.

Dylan almost immediately calmed down. He was still crying, still in his nightmare.

Zachary will die if you don't do as you're told!

Don't hurt him. Hurt me. I'm not important. No one would miss me!

David was shocked to hear Dylan saying that. Did he really think that? Or was it being in the nightmare making him say it?

That stupid dog of yours would. And your friends at the hospital.

I don't have any friends. I pushed them all away.

Dylan laughed. David wondered if he was awake? He leant over Dylan but he was still clearly asleep and in his nightmare.

My only friend in life is a bottle of whiskey.....

Dylan cried again. David held onto him tighter, tears forming in his own eyes, as sleep took hold of him.

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