February 3rd

40 1 0

Dylan had finally been discharged and was waiting to talk to Zoe. She was in with the new F1 who seemed so young. He'd met Sam when she was a fresh faced F1. She hadn't been afraid to speak to him like many new doctors before had. The main reason he had let her into his heart all those years ago.

"Dylan! They let you out then I see?". Dylan rolled his eyes at Zoe. "This is our new F1, Doctor Kinsella. If you think you're okay to come back to work on Monday, I thought you'd like to mentor her?"

Dylan stared at Zoe. He had thought that she would make him wait a week before he'd be allowed back. "Yes, if she's thinks she can handle me?"

"I'm sure I'll manage Doctor?"

"Keogh. Dylan Keogh"

"As you know I'm Doctor Kinsella. Bea"

"Bee? As in the insect?"

"Different spelling"

"Right, now that's sorted, Dylan you can go get ready for tonight"

"You two together?"

Dylan and Zoe looked at each other and laughed. "I think we could have been good together?"

"You think? Cheeky! No, I'm married and Dylan here is? What are you?"

Dylan rolled his eyes and then frowned. "Well I'm divorced but I've fallen in love again with my ex wife"

"You should see the two of them together. They're like teenagers"

Bea smiled. "That's so cute"

"I'm hoping you're not referring to me as being cute? I need to keep my grumpy mirage up"

"He's not kidding either. I'm sure you two will get along fine"


Dinner with his friends was lovely. Dylan looked around at everyone sat at the table. Robyn, Glen and Charlotte. Hazel and Rihanna. Zoe and Max. David. Zsa Zsa. Sam. He wished Zsa Zsa could stay for longer.

"You know, that job offer still stands. It would only be for 6 months?"

"I'm not sure what Sam would think"

"She's welcome to come with you. I'd happily employ her as a Doctor"


"Well you have until the end of next month to let me know"

"Thank you"

"I'm going to say goodbye to Glen now. Take care De-De" They hugged each other tightly. Dylan sat back down at the table with Sam.

"Did you tell David you were staying at mine tonight?"

"Of course. I promised him we'd play Monopoly tomorrow night. He's bored of chess"

"Maybe I want you with me forever?" Dylan raised an eyebrow. "Too soon?"

"Considering we were married, no it's not. But I want to take my time after what's happened"

"I understand" Sam leaned in for a kiss. "I love you"


Sam's flat was bigger than Dylan's boat. It had an open plan kitchen and living area. "It's big enough for me" Dylan nodded in agreement. "Did you want anything to drink? I have....." Sam opened the fridge ".....out of date juice"

"I'm fine for now. At the moment, I just want you". Dylan pulled Sam away from the fridge and kissed her, unbuttoning the blouse she was wearing.

Sam smiled into the kiss as her blouse fell to the floor. She unbuttoned Dylan's shirt, unbuckling his belt as she reached his trousers. Dylan stilled. "You ok?".

He closed his eyes and scrunched up his face. This is Sam who you love, not him, Dylan told himself. He nodded and Sam pushed his trousers down. Stepping out of them, Dylan unhooked Sam's bra and found the zip to her trousers. Her breath hitched as he pushed them down along with her panties. Dylan was kissing her, Sam kissing back.

Sam took hold of his hands and pulled him towards the bedroom, pushing him down onto the bed. Dylan lay there looking up at her. She was beautiful. He smiled sheepishly at her as she pulled his boxers off. Squeezing his hand she kissed him, Dylan kissing back, tongues exploring each other's mouths. Sam straddled Dylan and touched his cock. He let out a moan. And then he was crying, pushing Sam away, thrashing about, body convulsing. "No. Not again!"

"Dylan, it's Sam. I'm here. I won't hurt you". Sam stroked his hair.

"No, don't touch me!"

"I'm not going to do that Dylan". Sam pulled the duvet up over them snuggling against him.

Once the convulsions had stopped Dylan quietly said "I'm sorry. I can't even have sex without thinking it's him"

"I'm sorry for not thinking to take it slow. It's okay. We can wait until you're ready"

"And what if I never am ready?"

"Then we don't have sex. I love you no matter what"

"You'll be loving a broken man then. You can do better and should do"

"I don't want any other man Dylan. I want you. Broken or not"

Dylan was silent for a moment. "Do you believe things happen for a reason?"

"Sometimes. Why do you ask?"

"I'm not sure"

"Well I'm sure of one thing. Life has given us a chance to love each other again and I'm embracing it"

"You know you're the only woman I've ever loved. I quite liked Zoe at one point though"

"I know you did. I saw the look she gave you after I told her we were married. I guess in what you thought were your last moments, you didn't think to tell her you liked her?"

"No. We were still married. She kissed me. On the cheek"

Sam kissed Dylan's head. "Let's goto sleep. An early night will do us good. Then you can join me for a run in the morning"

"The last time I did that I fell over remember"

"Yes and you pulled me down with you. I still think you did that on purpose"

"Fell over or pulled you down?"


Dylan laughed. Sam felt happy that she could still make him laugh, despite everything that had happened.

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