February 26th Pt2

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Betrayal. It wasn't the first time in his life that Dylan had felt this human emotion. Betrayed by his crazy family when he was raped by his cousins. He still hadn't remembered his uncle raping him and had pushed it out of his mind as soon as he'd told Philip that he forgave him.

Betrayed by Brian for letting it happen.

Betrayed by Brian for sleeping with other women.

Betrayed by Brian because he walked out and left Dylan and his mother.

Betrayed by the universe for his mothers suicide.

Betrayed by himself for daring to hope that things could be better.

And then he saw her. He knew. He was hers and she was his.

"Dylan? Are you ok? Is Zack ok?"

Dylan looked at her. He cupped her face and kissed her. "I want you in my life again"

Sam looked confused. She had already thought that she was.

"For the rest of my life....". Dylan looked at her. "I know it didn't work out well last time and there is something we need to discuss before I ask"

"Ask what?"

"Well I don't want to ask here"

"Ok. Dinner out or at mine? I want to spend the night together. I miss having you next to me." She kissed him.

"Um, we could make dinner together? Risotto?"

"Sounds good"

"And I could stay the night. I can't promise anything...."

"I don't care Dylan. Just having you in my bed will be enough". They kissed again before breaking apart and going their separate ways. Little did they know that they were being watched.


It was only upon Sam's return to the ambulance station that she realised what Dylan was going to ask. She immediately thought back to when he'd proposed the first time. They had been young and naive, madly in love and Dylan had been worried that they'd never see each other again once she was deployed. And Sam had said yes.

Now was so different to then. Her feelings for Dylan had only intensified. More so over these past few weeks.


"Dylan! What do I owe the pleasure of this time?"

Dylan rolled his eyes at Zsa Zsa on the screen. "My friend...Zack, he was involved in an RTC. He's alive"

"You want him at the clinic don't you?"

"I'd like him out of Holby where he can recover safely. It's just a broken leg"

"When's he being discharged?"

"About now?"

"Nothing like giving me some warning!" Zsa Zsa smiled. "I'm sure it will be fine De-De. Have Zack ready for 6pm and I'll get them to send a taxi"

"Thank you"

"Have you given my proposal anymore thought?"

"It's definitely only for 6 months?"

"Yes. You can always stay longer after that"

"I've not even asked Sam yet. What if she doesn't agree to come with me?"

"She'd be a fool not to". Dylan frowned. "There's that face. It's a good opportunity for you both. If Sam didn't want to take the job, there's plenty of ways to stay in touch for 6 months. And you know that saying: absence makes the heart grow fonder"

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