January 4th/5th

56 2 0

David, Iain and Glen arrived just as Dylan was getting out of the shower. Sam was making some tea when they came into the room. "We stopped off and got the supplies you asked for"

"Thank you. And thank you Glen for contacting Zsa Zsa."

"It's no problem Sam. It's the least I could do after what he did for me"

"We'll go and wait in the waiting area", David whispered.

Sam knocked on the bathroom door. "Dylan, I have some clothes for you". She opened the door when Dylan didn't answer. He was stood with a towel wrapped around him in the middle of a panic attack. "Dylan!". She rushed over to him and took his hands in hers. "Breathe, Dylan breathe". Once his breathing normalised, Sam sat him down on the bench.

"Thank you", Dylan mumbled.

Sam squeezed his hand and reached for the bag. "Now I know you don't like wearing boxers or sweatpants, but I thought they'd be the least irritating to wear".

Dylan couldn't disagree with that logic. Even if they weren't his usual fashion choice.


Dylan emerged from the bathroom wearing sweatpants and a tshirt. Sam had asked David to get enough clothing to last a week. And the toiletries he used to use when they were married. Knowing Dylan, he'd be using the same brands.

Sam looked at Dylan and noticed blood on his cheek. "You're bleeding"

"I'm fine". Dylan wiped his mouth. "I just had to.... get rid of the taste"

Sam nodded. It didn't leave much to the imagination to realise what Dylan had meant.
They met the others in the waiting area. Dylan refused to use a wheelchair and slowly followed them out. He'd been given a handbook and contact numbers to look over. A taxi pulled up. Zsa Zsa had booked one to take them to the clinic.

"You and Dylan go on ahead. We'll follow"

"David, you should all just go home for now. Come and visit him tomorrow. Let him get settled. Then we'll talk"

"If you're sure"

"In fact David, stop by mine and get me some clothes. Something practical please". She handed the keys to him.

"Of course"

David watched as Dylan and Sam got into the taxi. "We need to stop by Sam's and get her some clothes. Best go now and we can go straight to the clinic after work tomorrow"

"Sure, though you two might have to go on your own. You can borrow my car though"


Dylan slept the whole journey to the clinic. It was a fitful sleep this time filled with images from his ordeal. Each time he faced an agonising image, Zack's face would be there, comforting him.

Sam heard Dylan's mumblings. She couldn't make out the name he kept repeating but it sounded like Jack. Dylan didn't sound pained when he said it and she suspected that whoever this Jack was, it wasn't the rapist.


Sam was grateful that the clinic had provided her with a put up bed. A small luxury. One which she immediately felt guilty of considering what had happened to Dylan. Dylan, the man she let go because she'd hurt him. The man she had told she no longer loved, because that was the only way to set him free. But Dylan had left. Her safe harbour. Fate had her come back to Holby and she realised she still loved him.

Sam kissed the sleeping Dylan on the lips.

Breaking The SilenceOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora