January 21st

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For the second morning at David's, Dylan woke up next to David, although this time David had his arms around him. A month ago he would have been angry at David for invading his personal space like this. Dylan couldn't be angry with his friend. He was only trying to help him.

"You awake?" Dylan was too lost in his thoughts to hear David, so David squeezed his hand. He smiled when Dylan squeezed his back. "How are you feeling?"

"Glad to not be in my nightmares". Dylan hadn't meant to be so honest with his reply. But these last two nights had made him anxious with his return to work in the morning. Being at the clinic had made him feel safe, tucked away where no one could find him. Leaving had reminded his sub conscious that Danny had said he was going to come back for him. Dylan knew if he said something, Zoe wouldn't let him back without a "bodyguard". He didn't want that at all, drawing attention to himself like that.

"It's ok. You don't need to talk about them, but I'm here if you do". David wanted to know about Danny and he guessed it was the man who had raped Dylan.

"I don't think I can ever talk about them. It was hard enough talking to Sam, Zoe and Ben the little bit I told them of what happened. I couldn't even face going to the boat yesterday. I feel like such a failure"

David sat up and stroked Dylan's hair like he'd done in the night. "You're not a failure Dylan. Your reaction is perfectly normal. The best thing to do is to take things at your own pace"

David rolled off the bed and out of his sleeping bag. Dylan raised an eyebrow. "Done that before I take it?"

"Boy Scouts". Dylan smiled. If there was one thing that David had noticed over the last few weeks was that Dylan smiled more. Odd because of what happened to him but he put it down to spending time with Sam again. The pair of them were quite clearly in love. Well, clear to everyone around them who had seen them together.


Sam popped in during a game of chess in the afternoon. David was loosing. Badly. "I'll take Dervla out for a quick walk"

Dylan went to make him and Sam some tea.

"You all ready for tomorrow?"

"As ready as I can be. I have a meeting with Ben Harding at 9am. Then I start back in the ED at 10. Zoe is confining me to cubicles though"

Sam smiled. That was the Dylan she knew. "It's not for that long. You'll be back working in Resus before you know it"

"Is David walking in with you?"

"Yes, we're dropping Dervla off at daycare then on to work. I won't be alone at all. Except for a bathroom break". Dylan laughed.

"A way to escape David". Sam poured out the not long boiled water into the teapot. Trust David to still use one. "How have the nightmares been?"

"I've woken up both mornings with David lying next to me. So not so good...."

"I think you're doing well. They didn't appear as frequently at the clinic"

"Better get this tea poured out before it stews"

Sam didn't say anything. Dylan clearly didn't want to talk about his nightmares anymore.


That night, Dylan had thought about asking David to keep him company, like Sam had done, before the nightmares began. Once he was in bed, he wished he had.


Another nightmare. Danny's face. Taunting him again. Zack crying. Dylan woke up and David wasn't there. He got out of bed and made his way to David's room with the sleeping bag. He climbed inside, inelegantly manoeuvring himself onto the bed next to David. He was embarrassed that he needed someone next to him to attempt going back to sleep.


David didn't mention anything the next morning. He was annoyed with himself that he hadn't heard Dylan through the night. Some friend he was.

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