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Feeling tremendously anxious, Claire repeatedly whispered 'please' under her breath as she slowly opened the door to her house. Her father should either be asleep or not home yet, but she didn't know exactly where he would be, since she hadn't seen him in his normal routine for a few days. She knew she had to be at home when he was or else he would throw a fit and a bottle.

She had been trying her best to avoid him, leaving when he left and sleeping when he would be at home to avoid any confrontations that would leave marks for Adrian to worry about. Today, however, she had woken up at Adrian's house, completely forgetting about her having to be at home. And she was wholeheartedly hoping her dad wouldn't break the few day streak he had of not laying a finger on his daughter.

In the midst of opening the door, a question quickly slid through Claire's mind,

All this fear in my own home? Why am I even staying here with him?

You know when a million thoughts run through your mind in a single moment and you come to a huge realization; it feels like you suddenly see things in a new light. That's what it felt like for Claire. From the moment she popped her head into the house to when she was fully inside the house and standing in front of her drunk, furious and red-faced father, she came to understand that she did not deserve to be here.

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