Chapter 48

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(A/n Before this chapter starts I'd like to give a shoutout to LeaLea9126, Miss_Melon and Jizzie4life123 for all the lovely comments and support recently! Also shoutout to internallyxscreaming for her amazing Jizzie fanfic! Xx)

Joel's POV

Joel wakes up after hearing Lizzie shout his name. He realises they are still at Lauren's! They both tip toe up to the door to hear Lauren and her parents talking..

Lauren's Dad= We left you with the house for ONE night Lauren! ONE! Look what you've done with the place!

Lauren's Mum= A whole MONTH grounded will teach you a lesson. I'm very disappointed. We went into the spare bedroom at 6am when we arrived to see a couple IN THE BED! Get them out the house now, and I'm confiscating your phone for the month!

Lau= But -

Lauren's Dad= No buts! Get them out NOW!

J= Lizzie, we've got to get out of here! Lauren can't know we stayed over accidentally!

L= I agree! There's clothes in the wardrobe, get changed quickly!

They get changed and carry their party clothes in their hands. They can hear Lauren stomping up the stairs angrily. Joel spies an open window in the corner.

J= Out the window, over there!

L= It's about a 5 meters high jump down though!

J= You've had experience from the hospital, JUMP!

Lizzie jumps out the window and lands on cold, muddy grass. Joel follows and jumps down after her.

L= Ok let's go!

Lauren's POV

Lauren dances through the hall, and ends the party a few hours later. The music stops and she ushers everyone out of the house, but not checking the upstairs. Many cigarettes and cans lay on the floor, but Lauren is too tired to clean it up.

L= I'll just do it in the morning before mum and dad gets home...

Lauren sleeps, a deep sleep all the way into the morning. She is awoken by a shout from downstairs.


Lauren widens her eyes, and realises she overslept.. And downstairs was a tip! She edges her way down, with her heart beating fast. She goes to the kitchen to see her dad and mum standing there, with vicious frowns on their faces.

(The argument Lizzie and Joel heard takes place)

Lauren stomps back upstairs.

Lau= (to self) I can't believe I forgot to check upstairs. Who could it be?

She opens the creaky door to see the bed cover untidy, the wardrobe a mess and the window wide open.

Lau= Omg, they escaped!

She searches through the room, and looks on the bed. She finds a small strand of pink hair...

Lau= Wait, is this.... No it can't be... It's Lizzie's!

Lizzie's POV

Lizzie finds herself running with Joel following her. They rush through the breeze, barely any frost left. She sees the grass, green as a leaf, for the first time in ages. The cool winter's air blows her glorious hair about.

J= Are we headed mine?

L= Yeah! I think we are far away enough to walk!

J= Okay!

They stop running and walk at a fast pace instead, linking hands.

L= (starts giggling)

J= (sniggers)

L= I can't believe that just happened! Haha! Imagine if Lauren found out. She'd hate us for the rest of her life!

J= Yup! Luckily, we are amazing escapists. (Laughs)

L= Totally! (Laughs)

J= There's my house. Phew.

L= Look, there's a man outside it, what's he doing?

The pair move closer and closer to the house, they wonder who this man might be, and why he was outside Joel's house.

Suddenly, the man turns around....

Man= Lizzie!?

L= DAD!!??

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