Chapter 66

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Lizzie turned and tossed in the night, sweating and having to get up to use the loo. She felt something touch her back as she lay down again, it was Joel's hand... His hand was grey.. Lizzie looked up to his face. He had demon horns and bright yellow eyes.

J= Happy birthday.... Lizzie JAAJHAAHAHAHAHAHAHAAH

Lizzie woke up suddenly. Joel was fast asleep next to her. The clock said 2:48am.

L= It's my birthday! I can't be awake at this time! (Gets back to sleep)

Lizzie is awoken by Joel, stroking her head. In his other hand, is a big tray. Stacks of pancakes sit on a plate, orange juice is in a completely transparent glass, and a yogurt rests on the side.

J= Happy birthday Liz! Breakfast in bed!

L= (rubs eyes) Awww Joel thanks so much.

Joel rests the tray on her lap as she eagerly sits up, and disappears behind the door for a few seconds... In he carries, is a massive balloon saying 'Happy 17th Birthday'. Covering his hands, are presents stacked up, like the pancakes.

L= Joel! So many presents?!

J= Yep, oh and here comes Buddy!

The mischievous cat comes running into the room, and lays his body out of the covers of the comfy bed.

L= Awww!

J= Right .. First present from.. Yammy!

Lizzie happily unwraps present after present, showered with many exciting gifts.

J= Next one's from.... What?

L= What?

J= It's from.. Jemma...

L= Give it here, there's going to be a tease. (Unwraps)

As Lizzie tears away the poorly wrapped paper, she realises that it's a jack-in-a-box.

L= Umm

J= Don't open it!

L= Why not? (Pulls and turns the handle)

Her hand spins around with the handle, while bone-prickling music faintly plays as her heart beats faster and faster, when would it open?

J= Lizzie there's probably nothing, it's not doing anythin-

Out springs a weird creature, with horns and orange eyes, grey skin.. Almost identical from the one in the dream. Lizzie jumps, and throws it across the room.


J= (cuddles Lizzie tight) Shhh I'm sure you didn't.

L= I did! I did!

J= There's two more presents! Oooo from- Me!

Joel presents Lizzie with a carefully wrapped object. Lizzie, while trembling from the last one, tears the paper off, to see a box. She opens it to see a gleaming knife, with what looks to be blood. Next to it is a cake, with red icing on. Lizzie's heart pumps a bit slower.

L= I dreamed of a knife, and a cake!

J= Really? Next you'll be dreaming of your dad, or Jemma! Stop playing games and brighten up! Hope you enjoy your cake. (Gives last present)

Lizzie opens it. A small Pandora bag sits in her hands. She opens the bag, to see a beautiful ring. It glowed in the light, and it was more than any other ring.

L= Joel I love it!!

J= I'm glad (kisses)

Lizzie, through the forced smile, still can't keep thinking about her dreams, and how similar these gifts were to them..

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